Thursday 9 November 2017

3 steps to make you succeed .


3 steps to make you succeed .
Imagine how the following problems play out in your life…
1) Bad Habits. Have you ever found it difficult to plan your time? Or have you simply not planned? Have you ever set up unrealistic expectations? Have you overcommitted and promised to do too much? Have you forgotten what you promised?
Of course, you have, and no doubt it has caused more problems.
2) Priorities and Values. Have you ever waited until the last minute? Have you ever said you will do something, intended to do it, but never did?
Procrastination is all about priorities—unfortunately, most people never realize that.
3) Self-Sabotage. Have you ever talked yourself out of something? Have you ever done something against your better judgment? Have you ever stopped short of success?
This is an unconscious trap that plagues everyone to one degree or another.
If you see your pattern here, then it is time to do something about it.

Friday 1 September 2017


Successful people are like minded and have almost the same pattern of thinking it is very easy to differentiate a successful person .
To be successful you must be ready to have your mind train in other to be able to face the challenges that come in the part of succes .
No one ever succeed without having to challenge his mind .
Our mind is the power house to our life
It can propel us to any place it imagine.
It's imaginative ability create a creative force, that force bring about changes that in prove life and society .
However this time we are many have being able to think outside the box and also given their self to be train in other to be able to become creative and different from others.
Being creative minded is a choice
The ability to create is created into every one created by God .
Your mind is the most important part in your body it constantly require training to be able to stay active .
What we store in it go's along with time
The things we are train on today may become outdated tomorrow .
So to be able to stay like minded with successful people you most constantly supply the mind it's necessary food to be strong enough at all time .
Stay positive
Be constantly updated with the right information.  Get a good mentor or a coach to help you get train .
Chris Awoga.
Motivational speaker
Life coach/event planner/TV presenter

Friday 18 August 2017

what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur

Successful entrepreneurs can radically improve the world on multiple fronts — they help grow the economy, inspire innovation, and create companies that elevate everyone.
If making a difference in this way sounds appealing to you, you just might have what it t
akes to be a successful entrepreneur. But here's a secret: to be a successful entrepreneur you don't have to reinvent the wheel.To start your own business, you need specific disciplines that are practiced by all entrepreneurs and self-made business millionaires.
One of the fastest ways to develop these disciplines is to think like an entrepreneur. And perhaps the two most important habits you can develop are those of speed and flexibility.
Speed - To move quickly on opportunities or problems
Large companies tend to move slowly, but entrepreneurs have the advantage of speed. In today’s busy world that always seems to be filled with unnecessary but time-consuming tasks, time can be more valuable than gold. The faster you can make decisions, adjust strategies, get to market... the greater the edge you'll have in whatever market you enter.
Flexibility - To try again and again. Then be willing to try something else
Most things that you try in business will not succeed the first time or even the second or third time. As Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." So, while all your plans may fall through in some way, keep planning and attempting new endeavors because experience can be your best teacher.
There are seven more habits that all entrepreneurs regularly work on. They think in terms of: Increasing Productivity - Look for ways to do more with less and to get more out at a lower cost.
Customer Satisfaction - What has to happen for your customers to be so happy with you that they buy again and tell their friends?
Profitability - Many businesses focus too much on the top line and gross sales, rather than on the bottom line and net profits.
Quality - Customers only buy a product or service because they feel that it is of higher quality in some way than other competitors.
People Building - All productivity, profitability, sales, and fulfillment come from your people. Your ability to select them and then to motivate and inspire them is essential for your success.
Organizational Development - Constantly look for ways to organize and reorganize your business so that it functions more efficiently and effectively in getting the results you desire.
Continuous Innovation - Fully 80% of products and services being sold today will be obsolete within five years or less. Develop and produce product and service innovations as a regular part of your business.
Again, after decades of personal experience and coaching, I’ve discovered that it is up to you to carefully examine your strengths and dedicate yourself to learning if you want this rewarding career path

Sunday 21 May 2017

7 Ways to Make Extra Income Even With a Full-Time Job
Chris Awoga
Motivational speaker and life coach
Is your dwindling bank account impacting your health? The American Psychological Association (APA) released a survey showing that money stress impacts Americans' health nationwide. And, as it turns out, the wealthy are also stressed about money -- not just those in lower-income households.
You can eliminate some of that financial stress by earning extra income, even if you have a full-time job. Steve Chou of MyWifeQuitHerJob famously started two six-figure businesses while continuing to work at his 
Related: 9 Ideas to Make a Side Income While Growing Your Business
Whether you’re looking for cash to launch your startup or make new investments with, 
or dig out from mounting debt, a few hundred to a few thousand dollars a month can change your life. Here’s how to get started.
1. Start a service business.
Launching a service business can be done without a large network, an online presence or much overhead. The easiest way to start is by telling people in your existing network what you’re offering and asking them to spread the word.
Noah Kagan from AppSumo nailed this concept. He decided to see if he could earn $1,000 in 24 hours, starting from scratch. He ended up founding a successful beef jerky subscription business that he gave to one of his students to run.
You can steal his concept, with a business like dinner catering, freelance writing or online marketing. Start by crafting a killer outreach email to get yourself up and running in just a few days.
Related: 105 Service Businesses to Start Today
2. Invest in real estate.
Becoming a landlord isn’t always practical for those who are employed full-time and already strapped for cash. But you can look at buying a condo or small property in another country as a vacation getaway instead. The price tag is typically cheaper, even when you hire a local property management group to manage renters while you’re away.
Commercial real estate can also be a lucrative way to invest and earn passive income, even without a large down payment. Get started with a site like Realty Mogul, and invest in commercial real estate for as little as $5,000. You'll get vetted deals and access to high-end listings you wouldn’t otherwise find.
Read This: The Book on Investing In Real Estate with No (and Low) Money Down by Brandon Turner | Amazon | Barnes & Noble
3. Launch an online resource.
Share your expertise by launching an online ebook or course to help others while you earn passive income. My own ebook, 100 Days of Growth, ended up generating more income than my day job. It was a ton of up-front work, but once it was ready to go, it took minimal effort to maintain and to keep up with sales.
If writing ebooks isn’t your strong suit, launch a video course or bootcamp instead. I didn’t stop at books -- I also launched a content marketing bootcamp through to help my clients master content-marketing abilities in 10 weeks.
Read This: Start Your Own eLearning or Training Business by The Staff at Entrepreneur Media and Ciree Linsenmann | Amazon | | Barnes & Noble
4. Leverage the power of Amazon.
It’s always an admirable goal to launch your own online store and build a customer base, but you’re also talking about wearing many different hats. You need to research products, find a manufacturer, market your site and figure out how to fulfill orders. Don’t forget about customer service and refund requests.
Instead, you could sell a product and develop a presence directly on Amazon without the need to take on so many roles. Some sellers even have their products shipped directly to Amazon’s fulfillment center and never touch the product itself.
Read This: amazon FBA: Step-By-Step Instruction To Start A Fulfillment By Amazon Business by Robert C. Hawthorn
5. Join the sharing economy.
It’s not hard to nail down a few hundred to thousands of dollars a month by leveraging the sharing economy. But it’s not just about renting out your spare bedroom or basement on Airbnb. Rent out your car on Turo and bike to work or carpool instead. Rent out your camera equipment lying around your house on Cameralends, your snowboard or bike on Spinlister or your sailboat on Sailo.
And if you are going to rent on Airbnb, consider helping your revenue skyrocket by renting out your entire house instead, and using the opportunity to visit family or go on vacation.
6. Host an event.
You can make money hosting events without aiming for thousands of sign-ups, vendors and high-profile guest speakers. Instead, form a free MeetUp group on a topic you’re knowledgeable about, like growth hacking, and run free events.
After you secure a loyal following, charge for an event with a reputable guest speaker. Rent out a small, upscale conference room at a nearby hotel, and grow your new MeetUp by hosting exclusive, sought-after events that charge a premium for fantastic content.
Read This: Start Your Own Event Planning Business by The Staff at Entrepreneur Media and Cheryl Kimball | Amazon | | Barnes & Noble
7. Get paid to do what you’re already doing
Take inventory of what you're doing in your free time. People who love skydiving (like me!) can get certified to teach and do jumps on the weekend. You get to do what you love while earning extra money at the same time. Ask your local bar if you can help run its trivia night, or bartend a few nights a week while hanging out and getting to talk to interesting people.
Related: 7.1 Steps to Create Multiple Streams of Income
Even if you’re not interested in doing much but relaxing and surfing online, you can earn money by testing websites and recording your opinion with a site like UserTesting.
So, get out there. Use your imagination to start a flow of extra income today.

Friday 21 April 2017


1. “Choose a job that you like, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” -- Confucius

2. “As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.” -- Donald Trump

3. “Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't.” -- Student (unidentified) of Warren G. Tracy

4. “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” -- John C. Maxwell

5. “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” -- Napoleon Hill

6. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -- Thomas Edison

7. “It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” -- Bill Gates

8. “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” -- Mark Twain

9. “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” -- Ralph Nader

10. “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” -- Napoleon Hill

11. ”Genius is 1 percent inspiration, and 99 percent perspiration.” -- Thomas Edison

Related: 30 Inspirational Quotes for Entrepreneurs (Infographic)

12. “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” -- Winston Churchill

13. “What is not started will never get finished” -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

14. “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” -- Jim Rohn

15. “When you cease to dream, you cease to live.” -- Malcolm Forbes

16. “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” -- Bill Gates

17. "An entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down." -- Reid Hoffman

18. “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” -- Vince Lombardi

19. "Everyone has ideas. They may be too busy or lack the confidence or technical ability to carry them out. But I want to carry them out. It is a matter of getting up and doing it." -- James Dyson

20. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” -- Steve Jobs

21. “Success is not what you have, but who you are.” -- Bo Bennett

22. “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” -- Vince Lombardi

23. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” -- Warren Buffett

24. “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” -- Albert Einstein

25. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -- Mark Twain

Tuesday 18 April 2017

10 Secret Mindsets of Multi-Millionaires

10 Secret Mindset of Multi-Millionaires
From my Mentor Daniel Ally
Business Expert | Investor | Success Coach
10 Secret Mindsets of Multi-Millionaires

I have a ton of rich friends who've wanted me to write this for a long time.

Yesterday, I was chatting with future billionaire, Josh McAfee (Founder of McAfee Institute), who told me how to build a billion-dollar company. Like many of my wealthy comrades, he couldn't stop talking about the mindset of being a multi-millionaire.

Kenneth Cole, the famous fashion designer, told me that sticking with your gut is the key to building a sustainable business. Kevin O'Leary (the Shark Tank star) showed me the value of holding only profitable relationships. Burt Jacobs (Co-Founder of Life is Good apparel) advised me to communicate my expectations to all my key stakeholders.

Kat Cole, the CEO of Cinnabon, told me to try everything--but only stick to what works best. Marcus Lemonis, TV Star of The Profit, showed me how using your gifts can take you anywhere. Kevin Plank, founder and CEO of Under Armor, sold me on why I should only focus on selling my best products.

I can go on with the advice I've heard from all my wealthy friends, but as a multi-millionaire myself, I would like to sum up my own version of how to make it in business. Here are 10 Secret Mindsets of Multi-Millionaires:

1. Build Something Bigger Than Yourself: Most people want success for themselves, not other people. They want to win all the awards, be on the magazines, and earn millions of dollars. Having all of this is fine, but you must select a cause that is bigger than yourself. You need to understand that your purpose is greater than you. This will attract more success, instead of repel it.

A selfless leader will focus on growing others, which in turn will grow themselves. As a hobby, I exercise often by jogging and lifting weights. I find that when I help others exercise, I become stronger and faster than I would if I did it all myself. Helping others takes the same amount of time that it does to help yourself.  Those who want to be rich must enrich others first.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - Ancient Proverb
2. Align Yourself with Experts: Every multi-millionaire has a team of experts that gives them strategic advice. While everyone has an opinion, you only want to listen to the best. I see so many people listening to the wrong people, which later leads them to devastating results. Find experts in your industry that dominate and befriend them if you can.

Hiring a coach is the greatest way to get to the next level. A friend might say, "You should do more push-ups", but a coach will show how it makes you stronger, which motivates you to action. Find a paragon who can identify with your needs. Most coaches charge anywhere from 10-20% of your yearly income, which is often easy to pay if you follow their advice.

3. Create Systems that Leverage: Multi-millionaires cannot do it all alone. They have systems and processes that allow them to leverage their gifts and abilities. There's always a better and faster way to get things done. If you create a system of success for yourself, it will eventually serve you. However, it must be your system, not someone else's.

Every day, I have certain habits, devices, and systems that I use to help me operate more efficiently. I used to think that I had to wake up at a certain time to be successful, but I realized that my peak time of productivity is from 10 pm-2 am. I go to sleep ridiculously late and have found many benefits in doing so. The 5 am club doesn't work for everyone. You must find a system that works for you.

4. Marketing and Sales: Marketing spreads the message of what you're about and sales is getting people to buy that message. Marketing helps you to build your credibility and sales happens when people trust your reputation. Marketing is the spinal cord to your business and sales is the vertebrae. If you want strong 'backing', you must master both of these major skills.

Multimillionaires are experts at marketing and sales. Their skills deftly lead them to high positions and allow them to enjoy the best of life. In this world, you can either sell or you'll be sold. You might as well learn what the marketplace wants and then find a way to strategically deliver what it needs. In short, find a product to sell (sales) and have a story to tell (marketing).

People don't know what they need until you give it to them. - Steve Jobs
5. Make Quick Decisions: Every day, we all make a multitude of decisions. However, the richest people make them fast because they know themselves better. Most people have never been taught how to make decisions. Instead, they look for people who can make it for them. This is why only 10% of people in the world are entrepreneurs who control 90% of the workforce.

Making quick decisions can help you to becoming wealthy. A man recently told me that he couldn't partake in a certain event because he didn't know what to do. Rather than deciding, he gave me a few excuses and was momentarily off the hook. If he was a multi-millionaire, he would have boldly decided and told me whether he could make the event or not. Make decisions, not excuses.

6. Manage Your Priorities: Prioritizing means doing first what matters most. Dozens of tasks may be calling your name each day, but you must only undertake the ones that give you the most reward. You must develop a habit to consistently delegate or eliminate activities that take up your time, energy, and money. Your time is finite.

What are your main priorities in 2016? How are you going to make it happen? Your goals better be as big as you can make them. Most people set goals that are too small. A small increase in income won't suffice for aspiring multi-millionaires. Instead, raise your goal substantially by seeking to quadruple your rate of business. Whatever your goal is, your mind will find a way to do it.

When the mind is ready, the money will come. - Daniel Ally
7. Produce Relentlessly: On weeknights, weekends, and holidays, 98% of people take time to rest, which is utterly foolish! Surely, you do need to rest, but you must produce too. Don’t selfishly squander your precious time when there are so many people that need your help! Do you realize that your true happiness comes from the work you produce?

A famous NBA basketball player confided to me that he cannot go a day without shooting 1,000 shots. Every day, he affirms, "Basketball is my purpose in life." He cannot stand missing the playoffs, otherwise, he feels like a failure. That's why he's a champion. Attaching yourself to your purpose is the secret to becoming a multi-millionaire.

8. Serve People: Surprisingly, most multi-millionaires don't do it for the money. If they did do it for the money, they would have stopped after their first million or so. Truly, they do it for the people. They understand that people come first. When you serve people, the profit will come. It's a law that automatically applies itself.

I used to laugh at people who worked without pay (aka volunteers). Now, that's all I do. When I wake up, my first question is usually, "How do I add more value to more people in less time?" not "How do I make money today?" At the end of the day, I always find a stack of checks at my desk awaiting my signature for processing.  These checks come from my service.

Your wealth is only a byproduct of the quality and quantity of service you provide. -Daniel Ally
9. Continuous Improvement: If you want to change the world, you need to consume a lot of knowledge and make rapid changes. You need to start eating books and implementing the ideas you learn. Most of my wealthy friends routinely read 2 hours per day at a minimum--and they’re not reading the easy stuff either. They're pounding the textbooks and taking notes.

When you're beginning work each day, ask yourself, "How can I improve?" If there is a skill that you must learn, learn it. Most people are one skill away from being a massive success. If you want to become a multi-millionaire, you need to get serious about self-improvement and adopt changes in your personal and professional life on a daily basis.

10. Get Feedback: I'll never forget what Jack Canfield told me at a conference in which we shared the stage. As he pulled me aside, he gave me his serious tone: "Daniel, the major difference between bestselling authors and amateur authors is one thing: Feedback." This was his secret to selling millions of books over the last two decades.

Obtaining feedback is instrumental if you want to grow a successful business. Sometimes, great feedback can come from anywhere. It can come from your spouse, kids, neighbor, or even your mother! Often times, it comes from your worst critics, who give you the deepest version of what you need to change. Wherever you get your feedback, make the necessary changes.


To become a multi-millionaire, you must cultivate these 10 secret mindsets. If you do, people will notice your work and supply you with the help you need. There's no limit to what you can accomplish with a deep purpose and faith in something greater than yourself. This is at the forefront of becoming a multi-millionaire.

Daniel Ally

Saturday 15 April 2017

We’ll Attack US With Nuclear Weapons, North Korea Warns

We’ll Attack US With Nuclear Weapons, North Korea Warns

9 hours ago  1526  0

Kim Jong-un and Trump
North Korea has warned the US not to take provocative action in the region, saying it is “ready to hit back with nuclear attacks”.

The comments came as North Korea marked the 105th anniversary of the birth of its founding president, Kim Il-sung.

A huge parade in Pyongyang was held amid speculation current leader Kim Jong-un could order a new nuclear test.

Among the hardware on display appeared to be new intercontinental and submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

The show of strength comes amid mounting tension, with a US aircraft carrier group steaming towards the region.

“We’re prepared to respond to an all-out war with an all-out war,” said Choe Ryong-hae, believed to be the country’s second most powerful official.

“We are ready to hit back with nuclear attacks of our own style against any nuclear attacks,” he said.

Rows of military bands and goose-stepping and sword-wielding soldiers marched through Pyongyang’s main Kim Il-sung square for the “Day of the Sun” celebrations, as a black-suited Kim Jong-un watched on.

He saluted an honour guard and took his place on the podium. At times he appeared relaxed and laughed with aides.

Military planes created the number 105 in the sky.

With concerns that North Korea is getting closer to successfully producing a nuclear arsenal, Saturday’s parade was an opportunity for Mr Kim to broadcast North Korea’s current military capabilities.

On display for the first time were what appeared to be the Pukkuksong submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), which have a range of more than 1,000 km (600 miles).

Weapons analysts said there also appeared to be two new types of intercontinental ballistic missiles in canister launchers, but it remains unclear whether they have been tested.

The event made clear how vital the state’s nuclear programme is to its future ambitions as it continues to ignore growing pressure from the US to abandon its nuclear weapons programme.

North Korea has conducted five nuclear tests and a series of missile launches. Experts and government officials believe it is working to develop nuclear-warhead missiles that can reach the US.

On Friday, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned that “conflict could break out at any moment”, adding that if war occurred there could be no winner.

Unlike at previous Pyongyang parades there did not appear to be any Chinese representatives present.

Adding to Chinese unease, US President Donald Trump said on Thursday that “the problem of North Korea” would be “taken care of”.

“If China decides to help, that would be great. If not, we will solve the problem without them! U.S.A.”

Vice-President Mike Pence will be in South Korea on Sunday as part of a 10-day Asia trip.

The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson and an accompanying battle group have also been sent to the Korean peninsula.

“We are sending an armada. Very powerful,” Mr Trump told the Fox Business Network. “He is doing the wrong thing,” he said of Kim Jong-un. “He’s making a big mistake.”

However, Associated Press quoted US officials as saying that the Trump administration was focusing more on raising pressure on North Korea with the help of China rather than using military force.

The US president has recently demonstrated his willingness to resort to military methods. He ordered a cruise missile attack on Syria in retaliation for a suspected chemical weapons attack, and the US military just used a huge bomb against so-called Islamic State in Afghanistan.



We'll attack US with Nuclear weapon if provoked, North Korea warns
9 hours ago
In "News"

China fears North Korea-US conflict 'at any moment'
9 hours ago
In "News"

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9 hours ago
In "News"

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6 Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs

There’s no definitive formula for success. However, as entrepreneurs, we don’t really need a formula.
We can stand on the shoulders of giants. We don’t need to guess or try to figure out our path to success from complete scratch. We can look to the successful entrepreneurs out there and emulate their habits, common qualities and characteristics.
Here are the six common qualities I’ve found among the entrepreneurs I try to model myself after. This isn’t the definitive list nor the only important qualities. These are just the ones I think you can take the most away from right now. With each quality, I’ll show you a successful entrepreneur that possesses it and how you emulate them and apply that quality today.

1. Perseverance
Arianna Huffington faced rejection after rejection when trying to publish her second book, After Reason. However, Arianna did not give up. When she was 23 years old, she was rejected by 36 publishers before her book was finally published
Years later, in 2003, Arianna ran for governor of California in the California gubernatorial recall race. However, after seeing only 2 percent support in early polls, Arianna dropped out of the race. Despite this, and seeing the power of the internet through her fundraising campaign, two years later she launched, which later sold to in 2011 for $315 million.
My mother said failure was a stepping stone to success
Arianna understood the importance of perseverance despite her failures and roadblocks. A successful entrepreneur knows that failures and rejections are not signs for stopping but instead signs to keep pushing forward and persevering.
Begin looking at failures and roadblocks as learning experiences and stepping stones. Remember that if it were easy, everyone would do it. You will encounter failures, setbacks and other obstacles. But that’s okay. Persevering despite the struggle is one of the most rewarding experiences for entrepreneurs.

                  2. Self-Improvement and Always Learning
Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, is known for being someone who learns very fast. Before Elon Musk started the SpaceX program, according to Esquire’s interview, he read and consumed as many rocketry and propulsion books as possible to learn how to build rockets.
When Elon Musk participated in an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit, one user asked how Elon is capable of learning so much in such a short amount of time. Elon replied “one bit of advice: it is important to view knowledge as sort of a semantic tree—make sure you understand the fundamental principles, i.e. the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/details or there is nothing for them to hang on to.”

I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better. I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.
Even with Elon’s success with PayPal and Tesla, and all of his accumulated experience, he understood he would have to learn about rockets and rocket propulsion systems if he wanted to be a competent leader of a space flight company.
Successful entrepreneurs strive to learn more. A part of this is realizing that no matter how successful you are or how much you think you might know, there’s always an opportunity to learn more and work on your personal growth.
Start reading more, listening to more podcasts, and watching more YouTube videos on subjects that can help grow your business. Put together a regiment and daily routine where you set aside an hour a day to work on yourself and becoming a more knowledgeable entrepreneur.

3. Risk-Taker
Bill Gates risked his future when he dropped out of Harvard when only 20 years old, to co-found the software company, Microsoft.
From Bill Gates’ book, “Business @ the Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System”, Bill describes his risk-taking as “to win big, sometimes you have to take big risks. Big bets mean big failures as well as successes. Today, looking back, it’s easy to believe that Microsoft’s current success was inevitable. But at the time we made our big bets, including starting the company as the first personal computer software firm, most people thought we would fail.”
Business is a money game with few rules and a lot of risk.
What are the things you are most afraid of doing that has the potential to grow your business the most or put you on the most direct path to where you want to be? One way to overcome the fear of taking risks is simply through exposure. suggests surrounding yourself with other risk-takers. To break out of your comfort zone, and start taking more risks with your business, spend more time with people who encourage you, not the ones who think you will fail.

4. Leadership
Howard Schultz’s leadership helped quickly turn Starbucks around when it was on the brink of failure in 2008, during a massive recession. In an interview with London Business Forum, Howard Schultz talked a lot about leadership and what it took for him to revive Starbucks. One of the most notable things Howard says in this interview is “leaders need to be decisive, and you have to be willing to make decisions without perfect information.”
I think the currency of leadership is transparency; you’ve got to be truthful. I don’t think you should be vulnerable every day, but there are moments where you’ve got to share your soul and conscience with people and show them who you are, and not be afraid of it.
Leadership means being decisive and executing on the things that lead to the growth and betterment of your business. If you have employees or people that you work with, part of being a leader is also explaining how and why the decision is made.
Taking initiative and taking responsibility (and ownership of problems) are two things you can start doing now to work to develop your leadership skills.