Friday 24 February 2017

7 steps on how to start a business and succeed

1. Determine your offering and market demand - Entrepreneurship is not about hitting a home run; trying to create the next "big thing" has a very poor risk / return rate.

Instead of long shot, pick a job. Think, what do you want to do for a career? Determine what you want to sell based on what you're passionate about rather than what you think will make money.

If you love what you do, you'll find ways to monetize it. Conversely, if you chase money, you'll end up unhappy and worn-out.

2. Determine your pricing - If you're a newcomer, don't be afraid to price yourself under market. You could always raise your pricing in the future, but when you're "green" you're a risk to a client so give them some motivation to use your services.

The most profitable businesses that exist today (Walmart, Costco, Amazon) all compete on price while maintaining quality. When I started recruiting, I would severely uncut other staffing companies.

At first, worry about living expenses and getting through the first few months and obtaining those initial clients. Once you get some work under your belt, become more concerned with how much you can charge.
Recommended by Forbes

3. Determine how long it is going to take to make your 1st sale - If it is going to take 6 months to initiate a sale, have a year's worth of income to live off of.

When it comes to budgeting, always play it cautious as shortage of money and chasing after unrealistic goals will lead to significant stress which hurts performance.

4. Determine your differentiators -Besides price, how does your product or service differ from competitors? The nice thing is in a service based business, if you learn how to sell and become an expert at what you do, you can be the differentiator.

I've come to realize that in any service based business, self-aI've come to realize that in any service based business, self-assurance and trusting one's intuition is a differentiator in of itself.

In time, you'll learn what aspects of the product or service are important and secondary to the client. Until then, think price and quality.

5. Determine marketing - (figure out how to get leads) Make it simple and put up a website. Read about PPC and SEO.

If you're selling business to business services, social media will help your search engine efforts, however you're not going to be directly making money off of it.

There are some great blogs to get you started on the topic6. Learn how to sell - The best salesmen / saleswomen don't sell. Instead, selling can be broken down into two different parts:

a. Listening - Too often, sales professionals think about what they are going to say next rather than focus on what the other individual is saying. I've come to learn that keeping your mouth shut and ears open is about 70% of sales.

b. Knowing what you're talking about - Running a recruiting firm, I've learned the difference between the average and wealthy sales professional or entrepreneur is that they can create realistic expectations for the client through gaining the client's trust via your expertise.

The entrepreneurs who "Yes" to death end up letting their clients' expectations get out of whack and, in turn create a relationship where only arguments, not money exchanges hands.

7. Learn how to execute the steps needed to take project to completion - Finally, put a set, organized process in place to take the service or product from start to finish in a predictable manner that yields the desired results. Think: Step A, Step B, etc

Thursday 23 February 2017

Determination is the power of creativity ((video lesson 1))

                         When one is full of determination the ability to create come in play                                          we can do almost anything when we make good and creative decision

Wednesday 22 February 2017

How to get to your next level in anything

Do you want to get to that next level of whatever it is you are doing? Attitude alone can take you to that next level. In sales, your product can be shopped. Maybe not your exact product, but something similar. A great attitude can’t be shopped. Price can be beaten, but a great attitude is priceless.
If I scream and threaten another person, what would you expect them to do? They’ll flee or fight. If I’m positive and agreeable, sooner or later it will start to melt away another’s negativity. This is because a positive attitude is contagious. The ability to stay positive despite negativity around you requires mental muscle. “Great”, “super”, “excellent”, “love it”, “no problem”, “I’d be happy” -- these are the phrases you need to get to that next level, both in sales and life.
Here are three things to remember about a great attitude:
1. A great attitude is worth more than a great product.
People will pay more for an agreeable, positive, great experience than they will for a great product. Show me someone who doesn’t want to feel good, and I’ll show you a person you don’t even want to bother selling. People want to feel good. There will always be a market for products that make people feel good. A person who can make someone else feel good can sell almost anything. An individual who can combine a great product with a great attitude becomes unstoppable.
A positive attitude is more important than the product you are selling. People spend a small amount of their paycheck on the necessities of life and blow the rest on entertainment. Why? They want to feel good. Why does Jimmy Fallon make more than all the school teachers in LA? Because he makes people feel good. People want to be entertained. It’s easy for a buyer -- your prospect -- to say "no" to a product, but difficult to say "no" to a positive experience with another human. When something feels good, you want more of it. Money flows out of my pocket when I feel good.
Instant gratification things like food, drugs, alcohol and gambling will always sell because people will pay to feel good for a moment. People will spend money on things that make them feel good before buying things that satisfy their needs. It explains debt levels and why people spend more on entertainment than on education. The media pounds negativity into people every day. Do you know how refreshing it is to meet someone positive and solution oriented? Someone smiling, laughing, not getting too intense and taking things personal? It’s refreshing. You have to know your product and take massive action, but if you’re taking massive action with a bad attitude, all you’re going to do is make a wreck of the marketplace. Be positive at all times and you will come out a winner. Attitude is senior to everything.
2. Treat people like millionaires.
Would you like to be a millionaire? Its all about attitude. You need to start treating your customers like millionaires. Treat them like they have money and they’ll spend money they don’t have. The decision-maker or not the decision-maker, treat them like a millionaire. Treat them like a millionaire whether they 15-years-old or 50-years-old.
People act the way you treat them. Imagine you have a customer who is broke and out of work, who can’t get financing. How should you treat him? Treat him like a millionaire. He just filed bankruptcy but one day he’ll be back on his feet. If they don’t have it now, they’ll spend it with you when they do have it.
When I just got out of college I was selling cars. This customer walked in to buy a truck and pretty much told me he didn’t want to pay anything over invoice. That doesn’t make sense. If we sold everything at cost we’d make no money and couldn’t service customers. But it made sense to him, so I agreed with him. I knew that attitude is more important than product or price. I believed I could change his mind in the close. I treated him like he had a million dollars. Treat them good and they will act good. He bought from me, and he spent more than he expected to spend that day.

3. You are a product of your environment.
You are what you surround yourself with. This includes people, beliefs, TV, magazines, friends, movies, hobbies, interests, family. Everything you are involved with influences your environment. The condition of your mind influences you. The media gets you thinking about things you otherwise wouldn’t think about. You need to protect your attitude. Take preventative steps against things that will bring you down. Attitudes, good and bad, are contagious. You’ve got to learn how to control your attitude, stay positive and change the attitudes of others!
Here are some tips to have a great attitude and take your life to the next level:
1. Avoid newspapers, TV and radio.
2. Stay away from “can’t do” people.
3.Get everyone in your life on the same page with where you are going.
4. Avoid drugs and alcohol.
5. Stay away from hospitals and doctors.
6. No negative talk.
7. Start a negativity diet.
If you’re not getting paid what you want, and you know you’re doing what you need to do, attitude is probably a part of the problem. If you want a bigger paycheck get a bigger attitude, a bigger smile, bigger happiness, and bigger positive responses. Thoughts proceed actions, and your actions control your life. Get your attitude right, and come to 10X GrowthCon and let's get you to that next level.

Tuesday 21 February 2017


Are there good habit  that you will like to build in your life 
Perharp your goals is to exercise regularly , 
to get more sleep or to keep closer touch with  love ones .
On the other hand maybe you will like to a bad habit , such as Smoking cigerate  Eating too much junks food Drinking  too much . Etc 
Admittedly it can be difficult to overcome a bad habit 
In fact , it has been said that a bad habit is like a warm bed 
On a cold day : it is easy to get into and hard to get out of 
So how can you harness your habit and make them work for you 
Instead of against you ? Consider the following suggestion.
Trying to reach all your goals at the same time is a
 sure way to reach none of them  Way out Work on your habit in realistic increment .
1, Create two master list - a list of good habit good habit that you will like to build and a list of any bad habit that you will like to get rid of 
On each list write down as many  as you can tthink of 
2, Prioritize the items on your list ,
numbering them in the other of importance to you .
3, Choose a few habit - even just one or two from each list 
And focus on those .
Them move on to the next one air two habit in each of your lists .

Speed up the process by replacing a bad habit with a good one . 
 The situation we put ourselves in and the people we spend time with -  influences our success in building a good habit band breaking away from bad once 
Way out 
1, Make it hard to do wrong things .
Keep yourself away from the environment that will encourage bad , and position yourself with the positive once , that way when temptation strike giving in will require more effort than not giving in .
2, make it easier to do the right things 
the easier it is to get started the more likely you are to follow through 
3, Choose your friends carefully we tend to become like the people we spend time with 
So limit contact with people who encourage habit that you are trying to break away from 
And seek out those who can reinforce good habit .
 3, Do not conclude that relapse is a permanent failure , Expect to face some setbacks  as you work towards your goals 
Focus on time when things went right , what did I do instead ? 
How can I repeat that ? Such question can help you to reinforce your success rather than dwell on your set back .
Final Note 
What count in the end is not how many rimes you fall but how many times you get up again .Chris Awoga 
Life Coach .

Monday 20 February 2017

Health Important of Guava

Guava is a sub tropical sweet fruit that has several healing properties. It is exceptionally high in vitamins C, A, E, & K and minerals such as potassium, copper, and manganese. In fact, guavas have 5 times the amount of vitamin C than oranges! It is also packed with antioxidants that are known to boost the immune system and help to prevent colon, skin, lung, breast, and prostate cancer. Guava is a rich source of lycopene and has nearly twice the amount than tomatoes. Lycopene is known to be an essential nutrient in helping to prevent prostate cancer, osteoporosis, macular degeneration, cardiovascular disease, skin damage, and chronic illnesses. Guavas are also known to be particularly beneficial for constipation, diabetes, high blood pressure, gastroenteritis, and weight loss. Guava is a perfect anti-aging food as they help to keep skin smooth, glowing, and wrinkle-free. They also provide a good source of energy and nourishment to keep the body strong and active. Guavas are ripe when soft and they have a sweet, creamy texture that is excellent when eaten fresh, juiced, or blended into smoothies. Bottled guava juice can be readily found in supermarkets and health food stores and is a good substitute when the fresh fruit is out of season or hard to find. Guava leaves also provide several medicinal benefits and can be crushed or chewed for gum or tooth infections or pain as well as used for reducing mucus in the lungs and disinfecting the respiratory tract. Guava can be found in fresh, juice, nectar, dried, and frozen form at your local supermarket and speciality food stores.

Friday 17 February 2017



Sunday 12 February 2017

6 Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs

There’s no definitive formula for success. However, as entrepreneurs, we don’t really need a formula.
We can stand on the shoulders of giants. We don’t need to guess or try to figure out our path to success from complete scratch. We can look to the successful entrepreneurs out there and emulate their habits, common qualities and characteristics.
Here are the six common qualities I’ve found among the entrepreneurs I try to model myself after. This isn’t the definitive list nor the only important qualities. These are just the ones I think you can take the most away from right now. With each quality, I’ll show you a successful entrepreneur that possesses it and how you emulate them and apply that quality today.

1. Perseverance
Arianna Huffington faced rejection after rejection when trying to publish her second book, After Reason. However, Arianna did not give up. When she was 23 years old, she was rejected by 36 publishers before her book was finally published
Years later, in 2003, Arianna ran for governor of California in the California gubernatorial recall race. However, after seeing only 2 percent support in early polls, Arianna dropped out of the race. Despite this, and seeing the power of the internet through her fundraising campaign, two years later she launched, which later sold to in 2011 for $315 million.
My mother said failure was a stepping stone to success
Arianna understood the importance of perseverance despite her failures and roadblocks. A successful entrepreneur knows that failures and rejections are not signs for stopping but instead signs to keep pushing forward and persevering.
Begin looking at failures and roadblocks as learning experiences and stepping stones. Remember that if it were easy, everyone would do it. You will encounter failures, setbacks and other obstacles. But that’s okay. Persevering despite the struggle is one of the most rewarding experiences for entrepreneurs.

                  2. Self-Improvement and Always Learning
Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, is known for being someone who learns very fast. Before Elon Musk started the SpaceX program, according to Esquire’s interview, he read and consumed as many rocketry and propulsion books as possible to learn how to build rockets.
When Elon Musk participated in an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit, one user asked how Elon is capable of learning so much in such a short amount of time. Elon replied “one bit of advice: it is important to view knowledge as sort of a semantic tree—make sure you understand the fundamental principles, i.e. the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/details or there is nothing for them to hang on to.”

I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better. I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.
Even with Elon’s success with PayPal and Tesla, and all of his accumulated experience, he understood he would have to learn about rockets and rocket propulsion systems if he wanted to be a competent leader of a space flight company.
Successful entrepreneurs strive to learn more. A part of this is realizing that no matter how successful you are or how much you think you might know, there’s always an opportunity to learn more and work on your personal growth.
Start reading more, listening to more podcasts, and watching more YouTube videos on subjects that can help grow your business. Put together a regiment and daily routine where you set aside an hour a day to work on yourself and becoming a more knowledgeable entrepreneur.

3. Risk-Taker
Bill Gates risked his future when he dropped out of Harvard when only 20 years old, to co-found the software company, Microsoft.
From Bill Gates’ book, “Business @ the Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System”, Bill describes his risk-taking as “to win big, sometimes you have to take big risks. Big bets mean big failures as well as successes. Today, looking back, it’s easy to believe that Microsoft’s current success was inevitable. But at the time we made our big bets, including starting the company as the first personal computer software firm, most people thought we would fail.”
Business is a money game with few rules and a lot of risk.
What are the things you are most afraid of doing that has the potential to grow your business the most or put you on the most direct path to where you want to be? One way to overcome the fear of taking risks is simply through exposure. suggests surrounding yourself with other risk-takers. To break out of your comfort zone, and start taking more risks with your business, spend more time with people who encourage you, not the ones who think you will fail.

4. Leadership
Howard Schultz’s leadership helped quickly turn Starbucks around when it was on the brink of failure in 2008, during a massive recession. In an interview with London Business Forum, Howard Schultz talked a lot about leadership and what it took for him to revive Starbucks. One of the most notable things Howard says in this interview is “leaders need to be decisive, and you have to be willing to make decisions without perfect information.”
I think the currency of leadership is transparency; you’ve got to be truthful. I don’t think you should be vulnerable every day, but there are moments where you’ve got to share your soul and conscience with people and show them who you are, and not be afraid of it.
Leadership means being decisive and executing on the things that lead to the growth and betterment of your business. If you have employees or people that you work with, part of being a leader is also explaining how and why the decision is made.
Taking initiative and taking responsibility (and ownership of problems) are two things you can start doing now to work to develop your leadership skills.