Friday 16 December 2016

MMM Nigeria Wife of Nigerian Ponzi scheme creator writes open letter

Chiamaka Chuddy Ugorji, the wife of the leading MMM man in Nigeria Chuddy Ugorji has reportedly written an open letter to investors in the Ponzi scheme.

On Tuesday, December 13, 2016, MMM Nigeria announced that it was freezing the accounts of users for the month of December.

After this announcement, millions of Nigerians who had invested in the scheme started panicking that it was about to crash.

To allay the fears of Nigerians, Mrs Ugorji who got married to Chuddy Ugorji on Saturday, November 12, 2016, in an MMM-themed lavish ceremony.

"Fellow die, hard participants

It is with calm and calculated mindset that I am writing to you, if I say I don't feel your worries, I lie, the pause in MAVRO was necessary having in mind that it's better to struggle in the morning and enjoy in the evening meaning it was necessary so we can still have a robust well structured MMM by JANUARY, in times like this all we should do is restructure our budget plan and forge ahead in anticipation of a beautiful extraordinary January, goldsmiths strike the metal when very hot, it's time to see the opportunity that is inherent in this situation and tap into it.

ALSO READ: MMM launches in Kenya, promises better returns

Furthermore I implore you all to be your brothers keeper, your downlines are practically your family, help calm their frail nerves, give them the hope they seek and for those that were dependent on the proceeds that was to come this December to enjoy the season, invite them to share in whatever you have so we all exhibit the bond that MMM ideology preaches.

You are all important and I want you to calm and trust the system.


Why do people pray for MMM to crash? ...

Around the world, mainly in Nigeria, MMM have helped thousands of people sustain a living.

Today, it entered a temporary #pause mode, and so many people and media will come out to make the masses panic the more.

Now let me ask..

* what do we do when people owing us tell us to give them one month to pay? WE WAIT!

* what do we do when our employer tell use he can't pay salary for 2 months due to accrued debts? WE WAIT!

* All the civil servants that the government have been owing for months, what do they do? THEY WAIT!

*what do ladies that are dating and the fiancee promised them next December, what do they do? THEY WAIT!

* all the campaign promised that are promised to us and is to be fulfilled, what are we doing? WE ARE WAITING!

* most of us spent millions to get a certificate in various schools, yet no job, what are we doing? WE ARE WAITING!


Most of us have made 5 × of what we started with in MMM so... WHY CANT WE BELIEVE IN THIS SYSTEM NOW.







na people when nor dey do MMM dey shout pass."

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Nigeria is being run on old ideas — Iyabo Obasanjo

 Senator Iyabo Obasanjo, served as a Commissioner for Health in Ogun State between 2003 and 2006; and following that was elected to represent the Ogun State Central Senatorial District in the Senate where she served as chairperson of the Senate Committee on Health between 2007 and 2011. Senator Obasanjo as chairman of the committee was instrumental to the birth of the National Health Bill which, however, was not passed under her stewardship of the Committee.

Following her stint in public service and a failed attempt to return to the Senate in 2011, she returned to the academia in the United States. While taking a passive interest in Nigerian politics, Dr. Obasanjo, however, took more than a passive interest in the aspirations of the United States Democratic Party 2016 presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, describing his socialist inclined polices and detachment from the party establishment as her attractions. Obasanjo who disclosed that she attended rallies in support of Sanders described the emergence of Mrs. Hilary Clinton as a mistake that did more harm than good for the Democratic Party in the main election.

Dr. Obasanjo, a Veterinary doctor and daughter of former Nigerian president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, recently relocated from Massachusetts to Virgina in continuation of her work in the academia. She responded to issues in Nigeria and the recent presidential elections in the United States in this interview.

What do you do now in the US?

I teach at a University. I got my Ph.D. about 20 years ago, and so it comes in handy to teach at tertiary institutions.

You have relatively settled in America, are you in touch with developments in Nigeria?

I don’t follow on a regular basis. Of course, if there is an important event going on, like the elections of last year, I search for the news but usually I don’t follow. Sometimes I hear of things long after the events have passed or in talking to friends and family.

So, what is your assessment of developments in Nigeria?

Sad! How a country with so many talented people could be in such mess is saddening. It is the future that actually is frightening. How are children and grandchildren going to do in the future when no one is planning for the future?

Iyabo Obasanjo
Do you see the “Change” Nigerians made at the federal level last year leading the country in the right direction?

Twice recently I have come across interviews of the President (Muhammadu Buhari) and it seems his focus is just on oil and gas. Focusing on oil and gas, a natural resource we have no control over is what got us to where we are and somehow he thinks it will get us out! The time of oil as a king commodity is past and never coming back.

In the history of humanity, the commodity that becomes king changes from time to time. From the time of the OPEC formation in the early seventies till now, oil had been king.

It will no longer be because if we continue using it at the rate, we have in the last 100 years we will not have a planet. Countries that didn’t use their income from oil to generate other sources of income will be in dire straits, hence Nigeria’s economic woes. Taking oil for granted as if it would be at high prices forever is idiotic.

Now if change means more focus on oil and gas as the President is saying then obviously change has not come.

Your party or would I say former party, PDP is today torn asunder. How do you think the PDP got to this stage and how do you think the party can be revived?

I have no idea but it is not only about the PDP, almost everything in the country is upside down.

What is your perspective on the elections in the United States? What do you think led to the emergence of Mr. Donald Trump as president?

I don’t think the elections were about electing Trump; it was about rejecting Hillary Clinton, but I am not sure that lesson was learned.

Who did you support in the US elections?

I supported Bernie Sanders because he was the only one that genuinely advocated for it.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Donald Trump says he’s made 'a lot of sacrifices' in response to the father of a deceased Muslim US soldier

Donald Trump responded on Saturday to the charge that he has "sacrificed nothing" for his country, leveled at him by the father of a deceased Muslim US soldier during a moving speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday.
Trump responded by claiming that he has, in fact, made sacrifices.
"I think I've made a lot of sacrifices," Trump told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Saturday. "I work very, very hard."
When Stephanopoulos asked Trump exactly what sacrifices he's made, Trump said that he's had, "tremendous success," and has created, "tens of thousands of jobs," and, "built great structures."
Khizr Khan, the father of Capt. Humayun Khan - who was killed by a car bomb in Iraq in 2004 - also offered Trump his personal copy of the US Constitution during his speech, with his wife, Ghazala by his side. Khan rejected Trump's call for a ban on Muslims entering the US, and said that, under Trump, his son would never have had the chance to serve in the military.
Trump also questioned whether Khan wrote the speech himself, or had, "Hillary's script writers write it."
He also took the opportunity to take a shot at Khan's wife.
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said to Stephanopoulos. "She had nothing to say - she probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is riding high after the convention. 60% of viewers said they were more likely to vote for Clinton after her speech than before her speech,

Friday 15 July 2016

American base Nigerian rapper Wale on collaborative project with Wizkid

– Nigerian-American rapper Wale announces working with Wizkid
– Wale also praises Nigerian artists
– Weeks back the rapper was sarcastic about Wizkid being named first Nigerian artists to make Billboard 100 Hot chartRapper Wale
Days after Nigerians dragged Wale on Twitter over his questionable reaction to Wizkid’s international breakthrough the MMG rapper Wale revealed he is working with Wizkid on a new collaborative project.
Maybe to prove that he is on good terms with the Star Boy singer he will be featuring him in his much anticipated album, #Shine. He made this announcement via his Twitter handle.

Olowosibi’ presenter, Morayo releases new sexy africa woman photos to mark birthday

Morayo Oluwaseun Joseph ( Moposh) , the host of ‘Olowosibi ’ , a cooking show that airs every Saturday on DSTV is a year older today July 15 th.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

6 Qualities of a good leader

1,Good communication skills
Proper communication is crucial if you want to be successful as a leader. Make sure that communication channels are well established and open between you and the people under your leadership at all times.
Communication is an important aspect of how to be a good leader.
Carefully explain what tasks you want accomplished to members of your team. If there is often miscommunication or if you are met with incomprehensive stares every time you try to communicate, you might want to work on your communication skills.
Also, keeping the communication channels open encourages members of your team to express their challenges and concerns to you, helping you build a better working relationship. It is advisable to adopt an open door policy, so that the people under your leadership are free to communicate any issues they might be having with you.
Making yourself available for the people under your leadership to communicate with makes it easy for them to trust and depend on you, encouraging them to work even harder.
2. Honesty
When you are responsible for a group of people, no matter how small or large the number, you must be honest in your dealings with them. The people who are under your leadership are a reflection of you, thus it is important that honesty is a key ethical value you possess. If you are honest, then your team members have no reason or excuse to be dishonest. If you are wondering how to be a good leader, start from being honest.
3. Confidence
There will be hitches along the way, and the only way you can reassure your team is to be confident in spite of it all. If a leader is panicking, what is expected of his followers then?
You must exude confidence at all times if you want to be successful as a leader. People will find it difficult to trust and obey a leader who seems unsure of himself. They will be reassured however, by one who seems to know what he is doing and appears dependable.
If you are running for office for example, you can’t afford to show worry for fear if your ratings are down. If you look resigned and downcast, then members of your campaign team would readily give up and throw in the towel.
Confidence in yourself and in the campaign team however, will further boost their energy and motivation level, inspiring them to work harder. As a leader, there are going to be days where the future of your business or establishment looks bleak and everything seems to be going wrong.
In such instances, it is your duty as a leader is to maintain the team morale by keeping your confidence level up. Your followers look up to you and take cues from you so you must stay confident and calm, your team members will cue in and pick up on that feeling, thus keeping everyone working to achieve the set goals.
4. Delegation
One tree does not make a forest, and followership is important to leadership. Members of your team have to be on board with you for you to be a successful leader. To organize an efficient business or to accomplish a task successfully as a leader, you must be able to understand the strengths of members of your team, and entrust certain tasks to them. Knowing how and when to delegate is how to be a good leader.
There is only so much that you can do, it is impossible to do everything by yourself. It is important that you delegate certain tasks to members of your team suited and capable of handling them. As a leader, delegating tasks to the appropriate departments is an important skill you must have.
Trying to do it all by yourself will only lead to you stretching yourself thin, becoming less productive and show a glaring reducing in the quality of your work. To delegate properly and correctly, you must identify the strengths of the individual members of your team and taking advantage of them.
That way, you can allocate tasks to those who have prowess and/or interests in those tasks. It also shows the people under your leadership that you trust their judgment and believe in them, thus building a strong bond between you as a leader and them as followers.
5. Commitment
There is no greater motivation for a people than seeing the level of dedication and commitment of their leader to a cause. If you want your followers to work hard, be committed and deliver quality in their work, you must be prepared to lead by showing these things.
By proving your commitment to your followers, you will earn their respect, and also instill those same values in them. It is hard to be committed to a cause when the leader himself has a lackluster attitude towards it.
6. Respect
We are all familiar with the saying ‘respect is reciprocal’. If you want to earn the respect of your followers, then you must be willing to respect them first. Respect each person and appreciate their hard work. If you want to know how to be a good leader, learn to respect every single person under your leadership.
Do not abuse them verbally or physically, show respect to them regardless of how much higher above the rung you are. When you respect people under your leadership, they in turn respect you a tenfold.

Fans blast Adekunle Gold over Amber Rose, Kim Kardashian photoshop

Adekunle Gold surprised many of his fans when he unveiled the photoshop edits of himself and Kim Kardashian, Amber Rose and Chrissy Teigen.
Some of his fans didn’t find it amusing as they expressed their aversion over the Photoshop edits.
A certain Tonya says: “This is someone’s wife, I don’t think you should be doing this. Even if its photoshop”
Another puts it this way: “Leave other men’s wife alone oh, one day you will get into trouble”
Finest testee says: “Nice job but I think this is a little bit too extreme”
Recall that before Adekunle Gold became a music star, he was famous for his graphic design and incredible Photoshop skills.

Taylor Swift beats Messi, Ronaldo, Adele, others as highest-earning celebrity of 2016

Taylor Swift has emerged the No. 1 highest-paid entertainer on Forbes' new Celebrity 100 list for 2016 with earnings of $170 million over the past year, beating football stars Cristiano Ronaldo , Lionel Messi and popular musician Adele who came 4 , 8 and 9 on the list respectively. Swift clinches the 2016 top position after international boxer, Floyd Mayweather who raked in a whopping $300 million last year.
Swift sat in eighth place with $80 million in earnings on last year's list, meaning she saw a 112% increase in the year that included the 1989 World Tour and brand partnerships with Diet Coke, Keds, and Apple.
The three-time FIFA best player, Cristiano Ronaldo who came 4 on the list whit $88 million makes a salary of $50 million per year to top his counterpart, Lionel Messi who, with $81.5 million, topped music star, Adele to clinch the 8 position. However, Forbes adds that Adele, with $80.5 million is the only musician on this year's Celebrity 100 list who made more than half of their money from their music.
A look at the top 10 celebrity earners revealed that Rush Limbaugh came 10 with $79 million, Howard Stern, 7 with $85 million, Kevin Hart, 6 with $87.5 million, Dr. Phil, 4 with $88 million while James Patterson and One Direction took 3 and 2 positions with $95 million and $110 million respectively.
Another celebrity who made the list is Kim Kardashian. Kardashian who made the 2016 Forbes cover stars in a mobile game, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, in which players create their own celebrity, befriend Kim and work their way onto the A-list. Hollywood has been downloaded 45 million times and generated $160 million in revenue. FORBES estimates that Kardashian has pocketed $45 million from it over that period. This year she earned $51 million to land at No. 42 on FORBES’ Celebrity 100 list; 40% of her yearly paycheck came from the game.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Mourinho arrival added motivation says Rooney

Manchester United’s new Portuguese manager Jose Mourinho. / AFP PHOTO / OLI SCARFF
Skipper Wayne Rooney says Jose Mourinho’s appointment as Manchester United manager has given him extra motivation for the new Premier League season.
Mourinho, tasked with making United title contenders once more after the sacking of Louis van Gaal in May, has signalled that he sees Rooney playing up front — rather than the deeper midfield position he took up for England and United at the back end of last season.
Rooney, 30, who is only four goals behind Bobby Charlton’s record haul of 249 in United’s all-time top-scorers list, told Inside United magazine: “I’m really excited to be working with Jose this season as he’s one of the best managers in the world.“It’s an exciting time for Manchester United. I’ve always respected him both as a man and a manager, he’s a nice guy and one of the most successful managers of all time.
“I like to think I’m always motivated as a player but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit more motivated when a new manager comes in.
“I’m sure all the lads will be happy to be working under Jose and also eager to impress.”
Rooney, who has been joined at Old Trafford over the summer by Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Ivorian defender Eric Bailly and Armenian playmaker Henrikh Mkhitaryan, said he had never enjoyed an easy game against a Mourinho side.
“His teams are always hard to beat, tactically disciplined and, most importantly, successful,” Rooney said of the former Chelsea, Inter Milan, Real Madrid and Porto boss.
“He’ll bring all these qualities with him and I’m sure he’ll have his own ideas, but one of the biggest assets will be his experience.
“He’s managed a lot of successful teams throughout his career and all that experience .

Monday 11 July 2016

272 people killed in Juba, Sudan

About 272 people including 33 civilians killed in Juba, South Sudan’s capital.
– The fighting began on Thursday when troops loyal to President Kiir stopped cars and forcefully demanded to search vehicles of people loyal to vice president Machar.
– UN mission compounds in South Sudan were affected by the fighting with at least one UN Chinese official dead.
Juba, South Sudan’s capital has been rocked by conflict leading to the loss of 272 lives. The fighting started on Thursday, July 7, when troops loyal to Kiir stopped and demanded they be allowed to search vehicles of Machar’s loyalists.Fleeing residents of Juba seek refuge
The war that first broke out in December 2013 when President Salva Kiir sacked his vice president, Riek Machar, led to Thursday’s standoff, when the demand to be allowed to search was denied.
A resident of Juba, Ramdan Kazimiro said: “I heard a sound of gunshots and people were running everywhere,” while speaking to Reuters News.
“The military put their cars in the middle of the road coming from Gudele…the whole area is (in) lock down by the government military,” another resident said.
Thursday’s standoff led to full-blown fighting on Sunday, July 10, when forces loyal to Vice President Riek Machar said his residence was attacked by the president’s troops.There was no immediate response from the government of President Salva Kiir to the statement by Machar’s spokesman. Kiir’s information minister, Michael Makuei, said earlier the situation was under control and urged people to stay at home.
So far, 272 people have reportedly died in the conflict, with the health ministry source saying 33 civilians were among those killed in the latest clashes, which have fuelled fears about renewed conflict and raised concerns about the extent the two men can control their troops in the world’s newest nation.
A Chinese UN peacekeeper was killed and several Chinese and Rwandan peacekeepers were injured, Japan’s UN ambassador Koro Bessho said on Sunday, July 10, after the UN Security Council was briefed on the situation. Japan is council president for July.
The UN mission said their compounds in Juba had been hit by small arms and heavy weapons fire.
“The Security Council expressed their readiness to consider enhancing (the UN mission) UNMISS to better ensure that UNMISS and the international community can prevent and respond to violence in South Sudan,” Bessho told reporters

Why we lost Euro 2016 final to Portugal – Deschamps

France coach, Didier Deschamps has admitted his team was not clinical enough in Sunday’s Euro 2016 final.
The hosts lost 1-0, despite dominating possession against Portugal and creating more chances.
“I have to congratulate Portugal,” Deschamps told the media in his post-match press conference.
“Clearly we had our opportunities and we weren’t clinical enough”, he added.
Deschamps’ team had seven shots on target, but substitute Eder’s only shot of the match proved to be the winner.

Thursday 7 July 2016

5 attitudes you must possess on the path to greatness

In the course of learning through direct experience, successful people have identified certain things that are limiting on the reach for success. Certain tenets that are just as important as the hard work required to achieve great things.
Here are five of them below:
Never betray friends or family.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you just let anyone roll over you. You have to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Still, successful people know that if friends and family, the people that should know you best, do not trust you, why should anyone else?
Never lose sight of your goal.
Setting goals and actually pursuing them is the difference between spinning wheels and actually covering some ground. You could put in the same effort no matter how well you focus on your objectives, but if your aim is faulty, there is a high likelihood that you will just be helping someone else achieve their goals.
Combat self-doubt in all its forms.
Fear is completely normal, maybe even healthy - but pessimism is a disease. No one really know where it comes from but everyone experiences it. However, successful people never give in to it, and what's more, they also make part of their goals to help other people overcome theirs.
Never betray your health.
No one lives forever but some of us are always tempted to trade fitness, or sleep, or well-being for a few extra bucks, a little bit of praise from the oga at the top. Truly great people have no room for this in their lives. Their health is not something they joke with.
Refuse to be dominated by others.
We all face bullies at some point in our lives. But truly great people never put up with them. They always find ways to triumph. Oftentimes, successful people find that standing up for themselves often means standing up to the someone

Woman blinds 12-yr-old houseboy in Lagos

It was gathered that young boy who is from Togo, and was employed by the woman, had been suffering severe beating in the hands of the woman. The little boy has therefore lost an eye in one of such cruel beatings » .
According to neighbours at 14b, Olu Akerele Street, Balogun Bus Stop off Awolowo Way, Ikeja, residence of the woman, the woman descended on the poor boy » because he did not wash a kettle properly and in the process, injured his eye.
The residents who could no longer withstand her cruelty, reported the case to the police and the woman was arrested.
A resident who identified herself as Tayo , narrated how the incident happened:
“We feared the unexpected with the manner the woman used to beat the boy. He has a deep sore on his leg. When I asked him about it, he said it was burnt from fire. He said the swollen eye was caused by beating from his madam for not washing a kettle properly.
He has been subjected to violence for a long time. You know everybody used to mind his or her business in the compound. When I saw the boy last, he was looking sickly. Hence I decided to seek help from the appropriate agency.”

Friday 1 July 2016

BET Awards 2016 complete list of nominees and winners

Best Female R&B/Pop Artist
Andra Day
WINNER: Beyoncé
K. Michelle
Best Male R&B/Pop Artist
WINNER: Bryson Tiller
Chris Brown
The Weeknd
Best Group
2 Chainz & Lil Wayne
WINNER: Drake & Future
Puff Daddy & The Family
Rae Sremmurd
The Internet
Best Collaboration
Big Sean feat. Chris Brown & Ty Dolla $ign – “Play No Games”
Big Sean feat. Kanye West & John Legend – “One Man Can Change the World”
Future feat. Drake – “Where Ya At”
Nicki Minaj feat. Beyoncé – “Feeling Myself”
WINNER: Rihanna feat. Drake – “Work”
Best Male Hip-Hop Artist
Fetty Wap
J. Cole
Kanye West
Kendrick Lamar
Best Female Hip-Hop Artist
Dej Loaf
Lil Kim
Missy Elliott
WINNER: Nicki Minaj
Remy Ma
Video of the Year
WINNER: Beyoncé – “Formation”
Bryson Tiller – “Don’t”
Drake – “Hotline Bling”
Kendrick Lamar – “Alright”
Rihanna feat. Drake – “Work”
Video Director of the Year
Benny Boom
Chris Brown
Colin Tilley & The Little Homies
WINNER: Director X
Hype Williams
Best New Artist
Alessia Cara
Andra Day
WINNER: Bryson Tiller
Tory Lanez
Dr. Bobby Jones
Best Gospel/Inspirational Award
Anthony Brown & Group Therapy
Erica Campbell
WINNER: Kirk Franklin
Tamela Mann
Tasha Cobbs
Best Actress
Gabrielle Union
Kerry Washington
WINNER: Taraji P. Henson
Tracee Ellis Ross
Viola Davis
Best Actor
Anthony Anderson
Courtney B. Vance
Idris Elba
WINNER: Michael B. Jordan
O’Shea Jackson Jr.
Youngstars Award
WINNER: Amandla Stenberg
Quvenzhané Wallis
Willow Smith
Yara Shahidi
Best Movie
Beasts of No Nation
WINNER: Straight Outta Compton
Sportswoman of the Year
Cheyenne Woods
Gabrielle Douglas
WINNER: Serena Williams
Skylar Diggins
Venus Williams
Sportsman of the Year
Cam Newton
Kobe Bryant
LeBron James
Odell Beckham Jr.
WINNER: Stephen Curry
Coca-Cola Viewers’ Choice Award
WINNER: Beyoncé – “Formation”
Bryson Tiller – “Don’t”
Chris Brown – “Back to Sleep”
Drake – “Hotline Bling”
Future feat. Drake – “Where Ya At”
Rihanna feat. Drake – “Work”
Centric Award
Andra Day – “Rise Up”
WINNER: Beyoncé – “Formation”
K. Michelle – “Not a Little Bit”
Rihanna – “Bitch Better Have My Money”
The Internet – “Under Control”
Best International Act Africa
Aka (South Africa)
WINNER: Black Coffee (South Africa)
Cassper Nyovest (South Africa)
Diamond Platnumz (Tanzania)
Mzvee (Ghana)
Serge Beynaud (Cote D’ivoire)
WINNER: Wizkid (Nigeria)
Yemi Alade (Nigeria)
Best International Act U.K.
Krept & Konan
Lianne La Havas
WINNER: Skepta
Tinie Tempah
Lifetime Achievement Award
WINNER: Samuel L. Jackson

Tuesday 14 June 2016

gland captain Wayne Rooney and manager Roy Hodgson on Monday pleaded with the country's fans to avoid further violence to head off a UEFA threat to disqualify the team from Euro 2016

"I'm appealing to you to stay out of trouble," Hodgson said in a video message. "We really desperately want to stay in the competition."
Rooney told fans: "Be safe, be sensible and continue with your great support for the players."
After violence erupted in Marseille over the weekend, overshadowing England's 1-1 draw with Russia, European governing body UEFA threatened to kick both teams out of the tournament if the disorder continued.
It also said both countries must make an appeal to their fans not to cause unrest.
England play rivals Wales in the northern French city of Lens on Thursday and Russian fans will also be in the area as their team face Slovakia in nearby Lille a day earlier.
in a video message posted on the English Football Association's Twitter feed, Hodgson said: "As England manager I'm obviously very concerned about the threat which is now hanging over us and the sanctions that could possibly be imposed upon the England team.
"We worked very hard to get here and we really desperately want to stay in the competition. I'm appealing therefore to all of our fans.
"We appreciate your support at all our matches, of course, but I'm appealing to you to stay out of trouble and to try and make certain that these threats that are being issued are never carried out."
Following Hodgson, Rooney said: "I'd like to thank the England fans for the great support inside the stadium against Russia and now we have a big game coming up against Wales.
"I'd like to ask the fans, please, if you don't have a ticket, don't travel, and for the fans with tickets, be safe, be sensible, and continue with your great support for the players. Thank you."

NFF admits owing Coach Amodu two months salary

Nigeria Football Federation through its Secretary General, Mohammed Sanusi has admitted to owing the late Shuaibu Amodu two months salary.
A former Super Eagles goalkeeper, now Sports analyst, Peterside Idah had alleged that the federation owed the late coach close to seven months wages.
Idah claimed he received a call from the late Super Eagles coach, intimating him of his backlog of unpaid salaries.
“NFF please pay the ones that are ALIVE got a call from him (Amodu) that he has not been paid for about 7 months,” Idah said on Saturday.
But the NFF scribe on Monday said Amodu like other management staff are owed only two months wages.
“Every member of NFF Management is being owed salaries for two (2) months. The NFF will pay all monies due late Amodu to his family,” Mr Sanusi was quoted in a tweet on the official handle of the NFF.
The former BCC Lions, El-Kanemi Warriors, Shooting Stars and Orlando Pirates tactician died in his sleep in the early hours of Saturday, after complaining of chest pains on Friday night.
He was known to be hypertensive, and had rejected taking over the Super Eagles’ coaching job in February on this ground.

Monday 11 April 2016

Nigerian politicians


"By implication, kidney failure is becoming a public health issue. It is very expensive to treat. Providing cheap or free dialysis should be key to any government healthcare policy today. That is one thing the politicians can do. How many poor people can afford N25,000 for dialysis? Now imagine that a politician has kidney failure. Of course, he can afford to buy a personal dialysis machine, and paying N7m for a transplant is like buying a stick of cigarette. Someone recently told me of a politician who bought a N45 million car for his girlfriend. Why? An associate came visiting in a brand of the car and the girl lustfully told her boyfriend: “Honey, I like this car!” And that was it. So I keep asking: how can the Nigerian masses benefit from democracy? The people who queue up come rain or shine to vote politicians into office cannot afford N25,000 for dialysis, but the politician they elected into office can buy a N45m donkey for his girlfriend, just like that. That is the paradox.
The underprivileged are the biggest victims of our democracy, while the political office holders are the biggest beneficiaries. Yet by its simplest definition, the people should be the object and the subject of democracy. They form the absolute majority of the voting population. But when the billions are being spent, their interests are the least of considerations. The gap between the people and the politicians in Nigeria is too wide. Damn too wide. You find a jobless thug who has been favoured with a party’s ticket to become a lawmaker instantly transformed into a multi-millionaire. He will most likely relocate his family abroad where they will enjoy the best of education and healthcare. If he has a cold, he will fly first class abroad to receive treatment. But the people who voted him into office cannot as much as buy N2,000 worth of drugs at the pharmacy."

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Wizkid Singer, Jidenna to collaborate on new music

Wizkid, Jidenna set to collaborate

Wizkid has been spotted in the studio with the 'Classic man' crooner Jidenna giving hints of a likely song collaboration.

Wizkid at Amsterdam concert
 The starboy singer is currently on a break from his international tours, and seems to be recording new material at the moment having been spotted in the studio of recent with Jidenna in LA.

Davido HKN boss would love to take Lil Kesh from Olamide

Davido has come out to reveal that he would love to sign Lil Kesh.DavidoLil Kesh
Davido had recently just come off signing a young promising singer and pianist named Mayor Kun  to HKN Gang, whose performance he had come across on Instagram. Davido, who unveiled the new act, disclosed that Mayor Kun, an Afro pop singer is the next best thing in Nigeria.
The singer has now revealed that another artiste he would love to sign is YBNL's  rapper and Olamide's protege, Lil Kesh. The singer revealed this in a new video, during an interactive session with the media.
When asked by a journalist to name an artiste he would love to sign, the singer wasted no time in saying "Kesh straight." Although he was quick to name his good relationship with Olamide as a reason for not following through with it.
"If not say baddo (Olamide) na my guy men...I love the boy," he further said.

Davido's new artiste, Mayor Kun, who is a graduate of University of Lagos, expressed his excitement over his deal, and disclosed that he initially regarded Davido's message to him as a scam.
Mayor Kun has also expressed his gratitude, and said Davido's signing is a dream come true.
"It is a dream come true and I feel so excited being signed unto the label,"Mayor Kun told NET.
''I have always hoped to get this sort of chance and Davido coming my way is something that is indescribable.’’
Mayor Kun joins HKN, a record label which also has Shizzi, B-Red, Danagog, and Sina Rambo as signed acts.

Lil Kesh Singer's present to self is a new car

YBNL artist, Lil Kesh is celebrating his 21st birthday today.

The singer who released his debut album to mark his new age also bought himself a new Mercedes Benz car.
Lil Kesh
He posted the photo on Instagram to share with his fans and captioned “#YAGI for you guys and this for me. Gift to myself. Thank you Lord for the ride. New age new whip #MrMeYagi
He also got a shout out from YBNL boss, Olamide who congratulated him on the new whip.

Patoranking "I want to touch lives" singer reflects on life

Pato who enjoyed a good start to the new year says he’d rather be remembered for bringing hope with his music than for material things.Reggae star, Patoranking is taking a minute to reflect on his life this morning, Wednesday, March 23, 2016.
The dancehall star shared a sober message on his Instagram page talking about the things he wants to be remembered for.
Pato who enjoyed a good start to the new year says he’d rather be remembered for bringing hope with his music than for material things.
According to The Voice judge, "I was working in my Office and these Thoughts came to me, We all wanna make money, Buy cars, pop bottles,  live the best life,wine and dine in the best places, Have the highest number of followers on Instagram, some girls wanna have the biggest ass, while some wanna take the best selfies, some girls wanna have the best body, some people battling for likes on IG, a quick reminder we all gonna Die someday…what do you wanna be remembered for? The girl with the biggest ass, the girl with the best car, the biggest Popper in every club, Mr I have all the best girls in the world, you wanna be known for having Pride, Miss my face is on fleek, you wanna be known Material things? KINDLY ASK YOURSELF WHAT YOU WANNA BE REMEMBERED FOR “GOD I WANNA TOUCH LIVES & GIVE HOPE TO THE HOPELESS WITH MY MUSIC #GOE2016#Whayasay!!!"

9-yr-old Albino boy butchered in Malawi for rituals

The poor Brian Cedrick
According to a report in South Malawi News, young Brian was abducted by two members of the gang in early March in Malawi's eastern district of Machinga, with his mutilated body parts found some few days later, with his head and other parts of his body cut off.
A police officer from the district, Isaac Ndala, confirmed the abduction, adding that the kidnappers injured the boy’s mother when she tried to rescue him. Ndala added that a 22-year-old man has been arrested for taking part in the gruesome murder.
According to the police spokesman, Nicholas Gondwa, about 50 criminal offences have been committed against albinos and the number might even be higher than as some incidents may not have been reported to the police.The latest statistics we have are of last year, 2015. Over 50 criminal cases were reported that included killings, abductions, and being found with bones of persons with albinism.
Just imagine, there are even some daredevils who go to cemeteries to dig graves where people with albinism were buried. All that is done in the name of hunting for the body parts or bones of albinos,” Gondwa said.

Nigerian National Assembly Legislators to pass 2016 budget today, March 23

The budget is set to finally be passed after the Senate and the House of Representatives both received the requisite report from the Joint Committee on Appropriation.
 President Muhammadu Buhari delivering the 2016 budget at the National Assembly in Abuja, Nigeria December 22, 2015.

The National Assembly will expectedly pass the 2016 budget today, March 23, 2016.

The budget is set to finally be passed after the Senate and the House of Representatives both received the requisite report from the Joint Committee on Appropriation.
The report was presented to the Senate by the Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, Senator Danjuma Goje on Tuesday, March 22.
“We have perfected necessary arrangements to ensure that the budget is considered and passed before we proceed on recess tomorrow (Wednesday),” the Chairman, Senate Committee on Education (Basic), Senator Aliyu Wamakko told Punch.
The legislators had earlier said that the document had too many errors and couldn’t be passed as it was.
“We are here in connection with the ongoing processing of the 2016 Budget because these two committees are the ones saddled with the production of the final copies of the budget that would be passed by the National Assembly for onward submission to Mr President for his assent and subsequent implementation,” Goje said on February 9.
“We want to remove all ambiguities, we want to remove all paddings. We want to produce a budget that is in line with the constitutional provision. During the budget defence, a lot of issues based on the padding of the budget, arising from over-bloated overheads and in some instances cases of over-bloated personnel cost. But generally, there has been a lot of issues. The appropriation committee would look at these issues after the whole budget defence and do a very thorough work aimed at doing a proper clean-up of the budget," he added.
The budget has been the centre of controversy since it was reported missing from the Assembly premises in January.
Senate President, Bukola Saraki later said that two different versions of the document had been submitted to the legislative house.
The controversy led to the sacking of the Director General of the budget office, Yahaya Gusau and the redeployment of 22 officials from the Ministry of Budget and National Planning.

Obasanjo, I don’t regret helping Jonathan become president

Former Presidents, Olusegun Obasanjo and President Goodluck Jonathan

Olusegun Obasanjo has said that he does not regret helping his successor, Goodluck Jonathan become Nigeria’s number one citizen.

Obasanjo said further that he supported Jonathan in order to grant the minority a chance to rule the country.
The former president made the comments during a recent interview, according to Vanguard.
“I believe that Nigeria politics will be strengthened even more if we have the opportunity to allow the minority in its own right to emerge as President, and I do not have any apology for anybody because the purpose I wanted Nigeria to achieve had been achieved,” Obasanjo said.

“That any Nigerian can become president, it is not a regret for Nigeria and for me because Nigeria gave him that opportunity, he used, abused, misused as he wished and at the appropriate time, Nigerians said thank you for what you have done and what you have not done and Nigeria said bye bye, which is the beauty of democracy,” he added.
Obasanjo became a major critic of Jonathan towards the end of the latter’s administration and at one time compared Jonathan’s regime to that of late dictator, Sani Abacha.

Monday 14 March 2016

Jose Mourinho Former Chelsea manager confirms he will start new job in July

Mourinho is reported to have agreed a deal with Manchester United to take over from Louis van Gaal next season
 Jose Mourinho

Former Chelsea manager, Jose Mourinho has confirmed that he will start a new job in July, 2016. 

Mourinho was sacked in December 2015, following a poor run of results at Chelsea.

Since his sacking, Mourinho is reported to have agreed a deal with Manchester United to take over from Louis van Gaal next season.
John Obi Mikel and Jose Mourinho
With increasing pressure on United manager, Van Gaal, Mourinho has again hinted that might be replacing his former boss at Old Trafford.
In an interview with BT Sport - due to be shown this week – the Portuguese manager said he’s set to begin work with a new club in July.
Speaking in Singapore recently, Mourinho also said he’s looking forward to starting next season at a new club.
I always feel that it's better to wait, not to rush, better to be calm, to wait for the right moment, the right move,” Mourinho said.
I feel that starting the next season with a new club and project is probably the best thing for me.”
Mourinho however did not drop any hint on where his next club will be during that interview.

Odion Ighalo Nigerian striker shares shirtless photo after scoring against Arsenal

Ighalo opened goal for Watford as they shockingly beat Arsenal 2-1 at the Emirate Stadium on Sunday, March 13
 Odion Ighalo

after scoring in Watford’s 2-1 over Arsenal in the quarter-final of the FA Cup, Nigerian striker Odion Ighalo shared a shirtless photo on his Instagram page.

Ighalo opened goal for Watford as they shockingly beat Arsenal 2-1 at the Emirate Stadium on Sunday, March 13.
Odion Ighalo
The striker turned Arsenal defender Gabriel Paulista to put an effort past David Ospina to put Watford in the lead.
Odion Ighalo and Troy Deeney
Adlene Guedioura scored Watford’s second goal thirteen minutes later, smashing an unstoppable drive past Ospina.
Danny Welbeck set-up a grandstand finish two minutes from time for Arsenal’s only goal.
After the game, Ighalo posted a shirtless photo with a teammate which was later deleted

Lekki Gardens Accept our apologies, estate development company plead

Lekki Gardens
The management of Lekki gardens sympathise with victims and their relatives, for the fatal collapse of one of their ongoing projects at Lekki last week.
Following the collapse of one of their buildings at Lekki, Lagos, which claimed the lives of about 35 people, The management and staff of Lekki Gardens Estate have expressed their grief and remorse at the sad turn of events.
The residential project which was under construction at Kushenla Road, Ikate Elegushi at Lekki came crashing down in the early hours of tuesday, March 8 2016. Most of the victims of the collapse were artisans working at the site, who spent the night in the building.
In a statement published in Vanguard Newspaper on Monday, March 14 2016, the company, through its agent, Steve Agbiboa, expressed profound regret and sadness at the collapse. According to the statement, the company "... regret(s) the loss of lives as a result of this incident and we are making every effort to provide adequate medical care and attention to their next of kin and also the survivors. "Please accept our sympathy," the statement concluded.
It was revealed last week, after the tragic occurence, that the building had earlier been sealed off by government officials for being erected above the number of floors permitted. Hence the Lagos State Government consequently directed that work at the site be suspended, and ordered the State Police Command to seal it off as it is now marked a crime scene.

Chris Brown Singer becomes 1st person ever to own new 500hp Rezvani Beast!

The new Rezvani Beast
In other to guarantee that he would get the very first production model, Chris paid an additional $35,000(6,956,250naira), on top of the $165,000(32,793,750naira) asking price.

Chris Brown is now the first person ever to own the new 500hp Rezvani Beast.
The new Rezvani Beast
In order to make this happen, he had to pay an additional $35,000(6,956,250naira), on top of the $165,000(32,793,750naira) asking price.
Chris was recently filmed taking delivery of his new Rezvani Beast which took place on the music video set for his new single “Liquor.”
Chris Brown and his new exotic ride Chris Brown and his new exotic ride
The automakers delivering the car  The automakers delivering the car
An interesting tidbit of information about Chris Brown's Beast is that it normally takes Rezvani Motors between 12 to 14 weeks to hand build the car.
However, the auto makers made an exception for the “Liquor” singer and were able to finish the exotic car for in only two weeks.
Chris Brown with the auto makers  Chris Brown with the auto makers

The excited hip hop artist has been flooding instagram with pictures of his new exotic ride, as seen below.
Chris Brown and his new ride Chris Brown and his new ride
Chris Brown showing off his ride


He reminded fans of this known fact by sharing pictures of his custom Jeeps on instagram.
Chris Brown's Custom Jeep
Last year, the singer bought a 2016 Lamborghini Aventador SV.
He recently shared a picture of this red supercar, along with some words of wisdom.
"As long as your imagination is the same as your 
work ethic then you will succeed! and my hat is official hog warts shit) lol(Harry potter)."
Chris Brown
Other cars in his garage include a Rezvani Beast.
Chris Brown and his new ride
It previously had a Lamborghini Gallardo with Tupac lyrics, this has been put on eBay.
lamborghini gallardo

Check out his crazy Jeep collection.
Chris Brown's Custom Jeep