Thursday 7 July 2016

5 attitudes you must possess on the path to greatness

In the course of learning through direct experience, successful people have identified certain things that are limiting on the reach for success. Certain tenets that are just as important as the hard work required to achieve great things.
Here are five of them below:
Never betray friends or family.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you just let anyone roll over you. You have to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Still, successful people know that if friends and family, the people that should know you best, do not trust you, why should anyone else?
Never lose sight of your goal.
Setting goals and actually pursuing them is the difference between spinning wheels and actually covering some ground. You could put in the same effort no matter how well you focus on your objectives, but if your aim is faulty, there is a high likelihood that you will just be helping someone else achieve their goals.
Combat self-doubt in all its forms.
Fear is completely normal, maybe even healthy - but pessimism is a disease. No one really know where it comes from but everyone experiences it. However, successful people never give in to it, and what's more, they also make part of their goals to help other people overcome theirs.
Never betray your health.
No one lives forever but some of us are always tempted to trade fitness, or sleep, or well-being for a few extra bucks, a little bit of praise from the oga at the top. Truly great people have no room for this in their lives. Their health is not something they joke with.
Refuse to be dominated by others.
We all face bullies at some point in our lives. But truly great people never put up with them. They always find ways to triumph. Oftentimes, successful people find that standing up for themselves often means standing up to the someone

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