Sunday 29 January 2017

Donald Trump, Gods will for American


Donald J. Trump - says a lot of wrong things, but God uses anyone; in the scriptures, the Lord used animals, heathen Kings, etc to bring about His will.

Many supported Obama 8 years ago as the First Black President, but the things he has done against Christianity and Morality are deeply astonishing in History:

*Christian bakeries in U.S have been closed down by judges appointed by Obama for refusing to bake cakes for homosexual marriages*

*People have been told to stop saying Happy Christmas and to say happy holidays because Obama believes that the Christ in Christmas offends none Christians in a country where about 80% are Christians.*

*Obama has withdrawn money meant for the education of children from schools that have refused to allow boys and girls to use the same bathrooms and toilets.*

*Obama ordered Chaplains in US army to stop using the Name of Jesus during funerals.*

*Christian companies have been forced to employ homosexuals by Obama judges*

*laws have been made that allows 15 years old children to have a sex change operation without parental consent.*

*The Bible has been removed from the beds of US Christian soldiers by Presidential order*

*Did nothing for Africa and actually punished African Countries with funds withdrawal because of our broad dislike for homosexuality.*

*He sanctioned Nigeria because President Jonathan  signed a bill against homosexuality.*

*He refused to visit his father’s country of Kenya because President Uhuru Kenyata is against homosexuality – he only visited Kenya last year; 7 years into his presidency so that it will not be on record that he never visited his fatherland as President, and when he visited, he tried to get President Kenyata to legalize homosexual marriage in secret.*

Hillary Clinton – supports everything Obama does.

Hillary would have continued all of Obama’s policies against Followers of Christ.

Many people like her because she is a woman and would have become the first female President just as we supported Obama when we saw he could become the first Black President.

*America is the most influential country in the world: once Obama came out to endorse homosexual marriage 4 years ago – the Prime Minister of Britain and the President of France did the same thing within weeks.*

According to Trump’s son, one of the things that his father rarely gets credit for, is the way he raised them:

*“How many children of billionaires turn out like us – no drugs, no alcohol, no tattoos, very responsible”.* Trump Jr.

Clinton ran for the office to protect Obama’s legacy.

*Jesus said “He or she that is not for us, is against us”.*

Please, let's support President DONALD J TRUMP with our prayers and love from within and far, that he may accomplish:



Thank God, who has not left his heritage, the church at a time like this

Thank God, who has heard the silent cries and prayers of the global intercessors for the American church

Thank God, who has not left the church

Who has not left the church at the mercy of abortionists

Who has not left the church at the mercy of gays

Who has not left the church at the mercy of lesbians

Who has not left the church at the mercy of transgenders

Who has not left the church at the mercy of bestials

Who has not left the church at the mercy of the terrorists

By this victory, the agenda to run over America with Islam b4 year 2050 has just suffered a terrible blow and huge setback

The plan to declare Eid el Kabir holiday by 2050 has just suffered a huge setback

The plan to create unisex bathrooms all over America like they did during Democrat Convention has just suffered a setback

The plan to plant public masturbation centres all over America has just suffered a terrible setback

The plan to spread the law approving permitting sex between animals and humans has just suffered a setback

Thank God who has not left his heritage to the Sanbalat and Tobiahs who are bent to run over the walls of Jerusalem on the basis of political correctness

Thank you Lord for this victory for a Cyrus that will hasten the exit of the Tobiahs and rebuilding of the broken walls of American church

May God grant President Donald Trump the political will to effect all these and many more for revival and restoration in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus!!!!

God bless America!!!

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