Friday 12 February 2016

Health Tips Find out lasting cure for hangover The weekend hits and you’re having a great time but then Monday arrives and you're battling a hangover. well, science has found you a lasting cure for those headaches.

The weekend hits and you’re having a great time but then Monday arrives and you're battling a hangover. well, science has found you a lasting cure for those headaches.

Everyone has a hack for curing or preventing, the common hangover. Some suggest padding your belly with greasy pizza, taking ibuprofen before bed or chugging gallons of coffee in the morning.
Truth is no matter what we try, there's still a lingering headache, a messed up stomach, or even nausea. But a recent study has unveiled there could be an ultimate cure for hitting the bottle too hard: drinking pear juice.
Pear fruit play Pear is the best cure for a hangover

Scientists at Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CISRO), discovered that test subjects who drank 220mL (just under 1 cup) of Asian pear juice before having alcohol had less hangover symptoms the next day.
However, the best results were in subjects' ability to concentrate. The great thing is the juice also has anti-inflammatory effects, meaning that nasty headache will subside, if not go away totally.
The study's lead researcher, Manny Noakes, offers that pear juice contains enzymes that are vital for increasing alcohol metabolism and slightly stopping alcohol absorption.
This study resembles a similar case study from 2013, where Asian pears/Korean pears drastically  reduced the severity of participants' hangovers. To get the best results, you should take it before you get wasted. With time the researchers will if different pear varieties will work.
Try this the next time you have plans for the weekend

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