Wednesday 16 December 2015

How to Be Happy Everyday

  1. Before happiness,you must ask yourself the following question:
  2. Image titled Be Happy Everyday Step 2
    Why are you unhappy?
    • This may be for many numerous reasons, whether it be because of money, looks, ill health, loneliness, isolation or unfulfilled ambitions. To help yourself, you must know the reason for your unfortunate unhappiness. If you are not sure, then write a somethings down that could be the cause.
    • Ex.) Rainy days, global warming, the loss of your pet, etc. You are likely to find the cause. It might take a few minutes, hours or even days. Be patient! And remember to dig deep! You may think that you are sad because of your beloved goldfish's untimely demise, but you may realize that you are sad because of a more personal thing, like the death of your grandmother, five years ago. Do not proceed to the next step until you are completely sure of what your reason is for your unhappiness.
  3. Image titled Be Happy Everyday Step 3
    Give yourself a compliment everyday. When you wake up every morning, stand in front of the mirror, give a big smile, and just give yourself a complement. It's a lot easier than it sounds.
    • Ex.) I have white teeth! My hair is gorgeous! This top looks awesome on me!
    • And it does not stop here! Your complements can be more than just appearance complements! They can be about your personality, or what you have in life, even the little things! But what ever your complement is, make sure it is sincere! This will give you a mega boost of confidence, witch will ultimately lead to happiness. this may feel awkward at first, but keep this up! Also make sure to have a nice variety of complements.
  4. Image titled Be Happy Everyday Step 4
    Accept who you are! Does it really matter if you don't have the coolest furniture, a great job, a happy family, a healthy body, the plastic surgery that you have always wanted. You don't NEED these thing to make you happy. Accept your looks, personality, material objects, health etc.
  5. Image titled Be Happy Everyday Step 5
    Make yourself feel good! Wear what YOU think is pretty! Ladies, wear YOUR favorite perfume. (Even if others hate it.) Guys, just do what makes YOU happy! When talking about your happiness, it's all about what YOU think!
  6. Image titled Be Happy Everyday Step 6
    Smile! The smile will be fake now, but after a few weeks, it will be real! People will love your true smile! You will be complemented on how beautiful your smile is all the time!
  7. Image titled Be Happy Everyday Step 7
    Give others compliments. If you are happy, spread it around! Tell that lady that her necklace really brings out her eyes. Tell that guy his tie is really cool. You are likely to have complements returned.
  8. Image titled Be Happy Everyday Step 8
    Keep it up! It may take a while, but these steps will help! Remember, it isn't what others think of you, it is what you think of yourself!

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