Monday 14 December 2015

the force of focus

The fact that there are 24 hours in a day is lost on many. Getting lost in “social media” or being pulled into every possible distraction so as to lose your accountability to deadlines not to mention quality of work seems to be the norm. But this is not the norm for those who access the force of focus. In essence they change their relationship to time and use the force of focus to immerse themselves in harvesting their best selves to put forth their best work.
Consider being accountable to the time you have in such as way that it forces focus with reassurance you can have all the noise, distraction and disruption you want the rest of the time.
 Let’s assume 8 productive work hours a day. Put in the following no-noise focus time:
 Half-hour a day on a blog                           30 minutes
30 minutes a day stretching                        30 minutes
two hours a day proposal writing               120 minutes
one hour with your team                               60 minutes
Can you force your focus for 4 of your eight hours a day?
 If you do, the 4 focused hours yield 8 of productivity plus the other 4 that can be jammed with noise and interruption so that’s 12 hours of work 8 hours a day, with weekends off.
 Try it.
 May the force be with you

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