Monday 7 December 2015

The Power Of Decisions

people are afraid to make decisions because they are afraid they will make the wrong ones. But it is better to make a wrong decision than not make any decision at all. This is because not making a decision is a decision. If you refuse to decide to succeed, you have consciously or un-consciously decided to fail. When you refuse to decide, your life is like a wheelbarrow, you only move as far as other people push you. If you refuse to lay the options for yourself and make your decision, you will have to live with the remaining option that is left after other people have made their choice.
 God designed life to respond only to decisions. Your life will only progress based on the decisions you have made. The reality of your life today is based on the decision you made yesterday. Many lives are not moving forward or not moving at the rate at which they should move because the people who own them have not gathered the courage to make the necessary decisions they need to make to move their lives forward.
From the time you make up your mind, it’s only a matter of time; life will deliver to you what you have demanded. Don’t settle for mediocrity, excellence is ahead of you. Don’t settle for something less than the best, and the best is yet to come. Make up your mind to move from where you are to where God wants you to be. Your decisions will determine your destiny, and your destiny is great.
When you make decisions, decisions also turn around to make you and each decision you make determines how far you will go in life. Don’t mortgage your life to indecision or leave it to the devil to decide. Make a choice today.
I remember the story of a soldier during the civil war in America. He was scared and could not decide which camp to stay in. He got the top uniform of one camp and the trouser of the other side and put them on. So whichever side he found himself, he would say ‘I’m on your side.’ But the day they saw him, soldiers of both sides saw him at the same time, one side saw only the top and the other side saw only the trouser, so the two sides fired him at ones. This was a bad way to die and either camp couldn’t claim his body.
Lack of decision is very dangerous to your progress in life. Many have ended like this soldier who thought it was safer to sit on the fence. Do not sit on the fence, stand for something and be committed to it; eventually you will reap the fruits of your labour.
You will succeed!

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