Friday 29 January 2016

Donald Trump, has been revealed to have once covered an edition of Playboy magazine in the 90's.

American presidential candidate,Donald Trump, has been revealed to have once covered an edition of Playboy magazine in the 90's.
The photo which is barely coloured shows a young and handsome looking Trump in a tuxedo, with a beautiful model beside him, wearing nothing but his tuxedo jacket.
Donald trumpplay
Donald Trump on the cover of Playboy magazine

Trump had been interviewed in the March 1990 edition, obviously at the peak of his career back then.
Donald Trumpplay
Donald Trump

Although there was nothing incriminating in the cover, it just goes a long way to prove that he was once more human than he seems now.

Kanye West / Wiz Khalifa Beef updates

Kanye West denied talking about his recent fall outwith Wiz Khalifa hours after he went on a Twitter rant when Wiz claimed he ripped off his new album title -WAVES - from a legendary DJ, Max B.
Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa play
Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa in war of words on Twitter

In a video obtained by TMZ, the smiling rapper was seen making an entrance into the Los Angeles International Airport shortly after he posted more than 20 bitter tweets at Wiz, his ex-wife, Amber Rose and son, Sebastian
Kanye West at L.A.Xplay
Kanye West at L.A.X

Weh asked he went too far with his rant, Kanye replied:"I said what I had to say… I said what I had to say, I ain’t saying nothing else." But when the reporter insisted, "Do you think it was a bit much bringing the kid into it though?"
"I told you I said what I had to say. Don’t ask me anymore questions about it," Kanye fired back.
Backtracking slightly, he then showed off a much softer side when he added: "I didn’t mean to talk to you heavy."
Kanye WEst at LAXplay
Kanye WEst at LAX

And he wasn't just backtracking in this video - he also appeared to have second thoughts about what he said to Wiz as he later removed the tweets from his acaccou

Former president Goodluck Jonathan declares that the present government are using the weapons he bought to fight

Former president Goodluck Jonathan has said that President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration is continuing that fight against Boko Haram with the equipment the immediate past government porcured.
He made the statement while speaking to France 24. He affirmed that no new equipment has been bought.
He said: “The new government is working hard and I believe they are still using the equipment we procured. Though the budget is still being debated, no new equipment has been bought; so even those equipment the President is using to prosecute the war against Boko Haram are those equipment we procured.
“When Boko Haram started in Nigeria, we had no terror experience. Yes, we had armed robbery and other common crimes, but terrorism was different because the people involved were not afraid to die.
“So, you need a different mechanism to confront terrorism, you need superior technology, so that you will be able to stop them even before the attack. We never had the equipment, but when we were confronted, we started acquiring and before I left office we built reasonable capacity and I believe with what we left behind and also with what the new government will acquire, they will be able to prosecute this terror war to a reasonable conclusion.”
Speaking on the crisis rocking the People's Democratic Party (PDP), Jonathan admitted that the party is unstable because it is yet to recover from its loss in the 2015 general elections.
He stated; “The PDP definitely will have some minor issues, it is expected. We lost the presidency and definitely we will have some kind of leadership problems.
“When you have a president, everybody looks up to the president. But when you no longer have the president, it becomes difficult for the party to have strong leadership.
“I believe whatever you observe will be sorted out. Leaders of the party, elders of the party have been meeting and all this perceived disagreement will soon be sorted out.
“Every political party has misunderstanding, it is not new, it is always there. From the beginning of PDP, even before I got to Abuja as a vice-president and president, there were instances when the chairman of the party will be asked to step down. And some officers leave from time to time when there are issues. So, what is happening is not new but I promise you that PDP will stabilize.
“In fact, by March this year, we are going in to elect officers at the lowest levels of the wards to the local government, to the states, to the zones, then of course the national officers will be elected; that is just in March. So the party will bounce back, whatever you are perceiving, it always happens and we will get over it”
The ex-president is yet to react to the ongoing probe of the $2.1billion arms procurement, which former National Security Adviser (NSA), Sambo Dasuki, allegedly diverted and shared to some PDP members and former army chiefs.

Thursday 28 January 2016

5 lesson to learn from Donald Trump

Donald Trump has been ahead in the polls for the Republican presidential nomination since July.
What the hell is going on?
He’s made sexist commentsracist remarks, and taken ideas straight out of the Bluth family playbook. He has broken every rule of political communication and become stronger as a result. Love him or hate him, the man is a master of communication, and his style resonates with the times we live in.
His candidacy will change how politicians approach communication. But the implications of his success are much broader. The bigger question is what lessons leaders and companies can learn from “the Donald” about how to connect with and engage their own skeptical consumers.
A Man for Our Time
We live in a post-trust era where the public looks at every institution -- from government to business and beyond -- with incredible skepticism. Voters are anxious, angry, and open to alternatives.
Into this void steps Trump. Gaffes aside, Trump uses five strategies that have established a billionaire blowhard as a trusted man of the people:
  • He has a clear narrative; a master story that he sticks to.
  • He understands and taps into simple, emotional truths.
  • He speaks the language of his audience.
  • He reframes every debate into language he prefers.
  • He is deliberately, decidedly different in style and approach from his peers.
While most politicians are constantly repeating the same refrains, Trump offers an alternative approach to communication. Let’s break down his communication strategy.
1. The Master Story
Donald Trump is the only candidate who consistently relates all of his ideas back to a master story: “Make America Great Again!”
Jeb Bush, by contrast, has yet to figure out what he stands for. As far as he’s concerned, being anti-Trump is enough. There’s no consistent narrative or tone, and nothing he says ties back to one single idea.
By practicing consistency and discipline in his message, Trump ensures his campaign carries momentum.
2. Emotional Truths, Not Rational Arguments
Elections aren’t fought on reason; they’re fought on emotion. Trump recognizes it, and while his rivals focus on debating the issues, Trump is busy leading a movement.
Lindsay Graham had the best technical understanding of any of the candidates, but he dropped out because he couldn’t tell his message in an emotional way.
With his three young “USA Freedom Kids” by his side, Trump speaks to the heart.
3. The Language of the People
He might be the richest of all the candidates, but Trump stands out as the most human, and he pulls it off by using the vernacular.  While his rivals overcomplicate conversations, Trump cuts through the rhetoric and talks like an everyday American.
Rand Paul might have more populist ideas, but his language is too academic and sophisticated.
Paul speaks to an intellectual elite; Trump speaks to everybody.
4. Reframing Instead of Defending
Mitt Romney’s 47 percent comment derailed his campaign. He had many of the same vulnerabilities that Trump does today, but Trump deals with those problems more effectively.
Accuse him of being racist, he says he’s for security. Accuse him of being sexist, he’s against political correctness. Accuse him of going bankrupt, he says he knows how to use the system to help the people.
Whatever the issue, Trump reframes the debate into terms that are more favorable to him.
5. Being Different, Not Necessarily Better
While his peers fight to be better than each other, Trump focuses on a simpler task: being different. Most voters can predict what will come out of the mouths of most politicians, but Trump keeps us interested with the threat that he’ll say something unexpected.
Every other candidate sounds similar to each other, but there’s only one Trump.
From his style to his message, he’s just, well, different. And when voters are wary of politicians, distancing yourself from politicians can help.
The Lesson for Businesses
Too many business leaders fall into the same pitfalls as politicians. When they get into issue debates, they try to fight attacks on merit. But the way to persuade people is to tap into what matters to them emotionally and to tell a good story in a new, exciting way.
Whether a company is struggling to stand out from the crowd, fighting issue advocacy battles and critics, or struggling to translate engineering and technological prowess into an emotional response, Trump has the answer. If you’re left scratching your head about the best communication strategy for the future, ask yourself, “What would ‘the Donald’ do?”
He would probably call you an idiot and say you’re ruining America. But after that, he would find a simple, emotional way to put himself on the side of his audience members and leave them feeling like only he knows what they really want.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Bomb blast hits Chibok again

The bombing was carried out by two suicide bombers who attacked the town on January 27, 2016.
An explosion has occurred in Chibok, Borno State, emerging reports say.

The bombing was carried out by two suicide bombers who attacked the town today, January 27, 2016.

Many people are said to have been killed while several others were injured in the attack.
Reports of the incident are still sketchy and a definite casualty figure is yet to emerge.
Chibok is the same town from which over 200 girls were abducted in April 2014 giving rise to global outrage and the Bring Back Our Girls movement.
Most of the girls still remain in the captivity after the kidnapping which was carried out by Boko Haram.
This sect is also believed to be responsible for the bombing. Story developing.

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Manchester United fear Giggs may quit if Mourinho is appointed

There is a serious fear among Manchester United’s hierarchy, that Ryan Giggs may leave the club, if Jose Mourinho is appointed to succeed Louis van Gaal.
Van Gaal’s future is still a subject of speculation, with several reports claiming the Dutchman has offered his resignation to the board three times, but was persuaded to stay on.
If the former Bayern Munich and Barcelona boss eventually quits, Giggs may be asked to step in as caretaker until the summer.However, the 42-year-old is believed to want the job on a permanent basis and may not continue as assistant to a new man.
Mourinho’s arrival will raise serious doubts over Giggs’ future and the United legend could choose to end his 28-year association with the Old Trafford side.

Men Must Marry Two Wives Or Face Jail Term, Says Eritrean Government

 Eritrea the Grand Mufti, the highest religious authority in the country, declared that every man must marry two women or face a jail sentence. The declaration was leaked last Thursday on several social media platforms.

In Eritrea, the Grand Mufti, the highest religious authority in the country, declared that every man must marry two women or face a jail sentence. The declaration was leaked last Thursday on several social media platformplatformThe Eritrean government will compensate Eritrean men for the marriage ceremonies and houses.
The declaration is motivated in part by the shortage of men which is a byproduct of the Eritrean-Ethiopian War which took placed from 1998-2000. The war left 150,000 Eritrean soldiers dead out of a population of only 4 million.
The statement referenced harsh punishments for refusal of the new decree.
“First that every man shall marry at least two women and the man who refuses to do so shall be subjected to life imprisonment with hard labour.
“The woman who tries to prevent her husband from marrying another wife shall be punished with life imprisonment,” the statement read in part.

Is there anything wrong in marrying a woman who has a child?

My name is Seyi Akinbami and I have an issue that has been weighing me down. I am in love with a woman I would want to settle down with and I have proposed to her and she has accepted.
But the problem we have that has hindered our marriage plans is that my parents, especially my mother, have vowed that I would not marry Jola because she had a child » out of wedlock.
My parents are the old school type who believe that they must give me their blessings before I could get married and despite my argument that Jola made a mistake like many young ladies and that she is a good woman, my mother has stood her ground and is of the opinion that for a woman to have given birth before marriage, it means she must have been a bad girl.
My father on his part, says it has never happened in our family and would not want me to be the one to soil the name of the family.
But I love Jola and I feel I should just go ahead and marry her after all, I will be the one to live with her and not my parents. But on the other hand, I don't want to offend my family.
How do I go about this issue?
Drop your comment for more debate

Soyinka demands enquiry into Artist Village demolition

L-R: Poet Odia Ofeimum, Nobel Laureate Prof Wole Soyinka, filmmaker Mamood Alli- Balogun

Professor Wole Soyinka has called for a holistic investigation, compensation and punishment where appropriate over the demolition of the artist’s village located on the expanse of land of the National Arts Theatre Iganmu.
The Nobel laureate who was visibly furious over the demolition asked for an enquiry into the demolition and shooting of an artist by armed policemen in the presence of the Director General (DG) of National Arts Theatre Mallam Yusuf Kabiru Yar’dua.
The Artists Village was demolished on Saturday, January 23, 2016, allegedly on the order of Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed to the DG.
After the demolition, the artists took placards to protest the demolition and their eviction from the Artists Village without any prior notice and the minister, Alhaji Lai Mohammed met with the artists at the National Theatre at exactly pm same day of the demolition and addressed them. Contrary to what the DG had told them that the minister ordered the demolition, the minister was alleged to have said he told him to demolish slums, shanties around the National Theatre and not artists’ workshops and village.
According to Mufu Onifade, one of the artists who were lucky to be in his studio that as early as 6 am, when he approached the DG to give them time to pack their artworks and properties, he said the DG gave them just 15 minutes and they were only able to salvage not much.
But on the artists’ part they believed the demolition is a vendetta on the part of the DG. According to them, when the concession of the National Arts Theatre was moved, the professional body of the artists National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC) had kicked against it vehemently. So they believed the DG picked on them and not the shanties ordered by the minister.
During the demolition, a sculptor Smart Ovie was allegedly shot by the divisional police officer (DPO) of Oyingbo police station who also denied to give him police report on demand by the hospital before they will treat him.

Monday 25 January 2016

Washington records ‘biggest winter storm in recorded history’

Snow began falling on Friday afternoon in Washington, which could get more than 2½ feet of snow before the storm ends at the weekend. Observers predict it could be the biggest winter storm in recorded history in the nation’s capital, and almost certainly in the top five .
Similarly, over 6,200 U.S. flights – about 2,900 on Friday and another 3,300 on Saturday – have been canceled, the flight tracking website FlightAware reported around 2:20 p.m. on Friday.
Nearly 30,000 customers of Duke Energy, the power utility for much of North Carolina, were without power early Friday afternoon. Dominion Virginia reported about 900 such outages, though Dominion official Kevin Curtis warned that “widespread, multi-day outages” are possible.
It might be a month late , but winter reintroduced itself to the East Coast in a big way on Friday.
A monster storm lashed parts of the South and the Mid-Atlantic on Friday as it barreled north toward some of the nation’s biggest cities. Roughly a quarter of the U.S. population is in its path, about 30 million of whom are under blizzard warnings.
“This is not a near miss,” CNN meteorologist Chad Myers said. “This is a direct hit.”
Tennessee and North Carolina got hit first early Friday, with snow covering the ground in cities like Asheville, Charlotte and Greensboro. Ice is also a problem in those areas, which have slick roads and well over 20,000 power outages.
The US capital is not alone in expecting blizzard conditions. On Friday morning, the National Weather Service extended its blizzard warning to include Philadelphia and New York City. Upwards of 10 million people live in those three areas; and millions more in parts of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey are under the same advisory.
“It has life and death implications, and (people) should treat it that way,” Bowser warned Washington residents. “People should hunker down, shelter in place and stay off the roads.”
The massive storm already has dumped an icy blotch of freezing rain, sleet or snow from Oklahoma through Tennessee. And while the focus is on points north, it has caused lots of trouble in the South as well.
That includes severe thunderstorms in Florida; up to 7 inches of snow in Nashville, Tennessee; and even a winter storm warning Friday afternoon into Saturday night for parts of North Georgia and South Carolina. The system also slammed Kentucky and West Virginia, and parts of both could see over a foot — and as much as 3 feet — of snow.
Across the Southeast on Friday, there were no classes, or students headed home early, just in time for the weekend. Places like Charlotte, North Carolina, looked like ghost towns, as people heeded warnings to stay off the roads.
“I’m glad people are staying in, because it’s very treacherous here,” Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts said.
That’s a good thing because, according to North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory, there’s only so much authorities can do, given the slick mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain blanketing the state.
He said the bad weather already has caused at least three deaths. It has also forced the postponement of hundreds of events – including NBA games in Philadelphia and Washington, plus an NHL contest in the nation’s capital, as well as a rally for the Carolina Panthers ahead of their NFC professional football championship in Charlotte. Some fans from Arizona, the home of the Panthers’ foe, flew out early to make Sunday’s title contest, AZ Central reported.
But McCrory predicted a good outcome for his home team, which practiced Friday in the snow: “I don’t anticipate anything stopping the Carolina Panthers from getting to the Super Bowl,” the governor said.
‘Hardest snowstorm’ in memory in Virginia
As the winter storm moves north, snow becomes more and more of a concern.
In Virginia, state government offices and schools shut down ahead of the storm. Gov. Terry McAuliffe told CNN on Friday morning that some 25,000 personnel with 13,000 pieces of equipment, 650,000 tons of salt and 2 million gallons of liquid salt are positioned strategically around the state.
“I’m very concerned about Northern Virginia,” said McAuliffe, who indicated he could shut down Interstate 81, which runs through the middle of the state. “We’re looking at anywhere from 1 to 3 feet of snow.”
The governor also expressed concerns about people in rural areas and the elderly, saying helping them will be part of the mission for the 500 National Guard members he’s activated for the storm.
From her home just outside of Lynchburg, Tracy Batwinas said the storm, coming after what’s been a mild winter, has jostled many people. Her husband had to circle many times to get a parking spot outside a local Kroger grocery store, and once he got inside, he found that staples like eggs, bread, milk and more had been cleared off the shelves.
By 9 a.m., snow was coming down fast – “the hardest snowstorm that I can remember ever seeing,” said Batwinas, 53, who was born and raised in Virginia. Still, while many are worried, she’s looking forward to “a play date” with her husband of four years and their two golden retrievers.
The good news – besides whatever fun those not in harm’s way can have on a snow day – is that things should get better soon.
“Next week, it’s going to be in the high 40s,” McAuliffe told CNN’s “New Day.” “… We can get back to normalcy very quickly. … But please don’t get out on the roads (now) if you don’t have to.”
D.C. official: ‘Predictions going off the map’
That’s the line of the day from authorities: Stay off the roads, stay home, stay safe.
CNN’s Myers said Washington and Baltimore should see 20 to 30 inches of snow, Philadelphia could get 18 to 20 inches, and New York is looking at 8 to 10 inches. And it’ll be a double whammy when combined with the powerful winds. None of it will pile up evenly, though, given all the wind.
Because of all this, federal agencies closed Friday. More than 6,000 flights were canceled nationwide Friday and Saturday, with United suspending flights around Washington and the Mid-Atlantic on Friday afternoon and Philadelphia International Airport nixing all flights in and out Saturday. Amtrak also announced a modified schedule in the Northeast because of the storm, and Washington said its Metrorail system would close all day Saturday and Sunday.
“We just want to go,” Andrea Levine told CNN affiliate WRIC after trying and failing to fly out early from Richmond, Virginia, to the Virgin Islands. “We just want to be on vacation.”
One saving grace, New York City emergency spokesman Frank McCarton said, is that the worst of this will happen on the weekend when there will be fewer people out.
But wherever they are, people still need power in the middle of winter. And with the weight of so much snow and ice falling at once over the weekend, “we’re concerned that we will perhaps get some collapsed roofs,” Washington, D.C., emergency management spokesman Chris Geldart told CNN.
Washington could very well break its all-time snow record. Twenty-eight inches fell in the “Knickerbocker Storm” of 1922, named after a theater that collapsed under the weight of snow, killing 100 people.

Researchers Discovered The Solution For Healthy Weight Loss?

Over Weight Watchers, a new dietary supplement called Garcinia Cambogia has doctors raving and is the latest buzz in the “battle of the bulge”. Since recently being studied on a popular doctor television show, millions of people are praising this so called “Holy Grail weight loss pill”. Surprisingly, many people who struggle daily with their weight have yet to hear about this powerful supplement.
Normally “weight-loss” supplements, especially weight-loss supplements that claim “easy” weight loss or “fast” weight loss are not recommended. Most nutritionist strongly believe that the key to weight loss is a healthy diet and exercise, but there are some incredible super foods that can deliver an added boost. One super food in particular, the
Garcinia Cambogia , is creating major media buzz – But not without controversy.
Critics say the compound hydroxycitric acid, or HCA (the extract from the Garcinia Cambogia fruit) cause such dramatic weight loss that they are ripe for abuse by people who only want to lose weight for cosmetic reasons. Proponents of the nutrients claim that they have been proven by scientific studies to be effective and safe, and that banning the natural compounds would be akin to banning vitamins.
But it’s not just celebrity TV talk show hosts and critics claiming the fat loss effects of Garcinia Cambogia, there is real clinical data to back up these claims.
Participants Lost 15 Pounds in clinical Study (15% Body Fat)
A recent clinical study followed 135 people who were supplemented with 1500mg of Garcinia Cambogia and strictly monitored. On average, the participants lost 15 lbs each. That’s 15% of their overall body fat and 10.5% body weight.
There were no side effects reported. This is very exciting information and one reason why many experts and doctors think
Garcinia Cambogia is probably the most effective weapon against the obesity epidemic in our country.
Perhaps the most surprising part about this study is the fact that the participants were told not to change their diet or daily routine at all. That’s right, they lost an average of 15lbs without exercise or changing your diet.
Garcinia Cambogia & Rapid Weight Loss
So, let’s dig into Garcinia Cambogia, starting with the question, “Why is Garcinia Cambogia the magic weight loss ingredient?”
The most important ingredient in the Garcinia Cambogia Extract is HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) . This revolutionary fat buster works in two ways simultaneously; it suppresses appetite, and prevents fat from being made! Put the two together: suppressed appetite, and when you do eat, it blocks the fat from being made. Instant weight loss without any time wasted dieting and exercising! This is why Garcinia Cambogia is the latest buzz.
You may be wondering how is this possible, since all the other diet pills have some sort of caffeine or upper which raises your heart rate and therefore speeding up your metabolism. With the Garcinia Cambogia Extract, you are taking nothing but the magic ingredient HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid).
How to Be a Smart Garcinia Cambogia Shopper…
No doubt about it, the Garcinia Cambogia diet is probably the number one bestselling diet in the U.S. And for good reason – both the research and real-life success stories suggest it really does seem to live up to the hype.
The recommended and most popular Garcinia Cambogia formula is called Natural Max Garcinia Cambogia (see the promotion below) . This pure form of HCA contains no other unnecessary ingredients, is tested daily for quality control and potency, and the recommended dosages is the same as those used in the clinical trials. In addition, the manufacturer is giving away complementary sample bottles risk free by just paying $4.95 for shipping and handling so you can try the products

Van Gaal admits he cannot meet expectations at Manchester United

Manchester United boss, Louis van Gaal, has admitted that he is not meeting the
 expectation of fans at the club.
The Red Devils were beaten 1-0 by Southampton on Saturday and Van Gaal was targeted by a section of the supporters after the final whistle at Old Trafford.
United are currently in fifth place in the Premier League, five points off Tottenham Hotspur, who occupy the last Champions League spot.
Pressure is beginning to mount on the Dutchman with 15 games left, with former assistant, Jose Mourinho linked with the job.
“I’m very disappointed that I cannot reach the expectations of the fans,” Van Gaal said.
“They have – or they had – great expectations of me, and I cannot fulfil them, so I am very frustrated because of that.”

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Blackfaze threatens to sue Wizkid for stealing his songs

act and a former member of the singing trio, Plantashun Boyz, Ahmedu Augustine, popularly known as Blackface, has disclosed that his fellow musician, hip-hop artiste, Wizkid, has been copying many of his songs for a long time but he decided to keep quiet just to let peace reign.
The Benue State-born raga songster called on Wizkid to ‘stop stealing’ his songs.
In a recent chat with The Punch, Blackface said he decided to speak out now because he could no longer sit and watch someone else take the glory for his efforts.

He said, “I never really wanted to talk about it all this while but after people started checking out my new song, Killa, many felt Blackface sounded like Wizkid, which I didn’t like.
The latest controversy follows the release of a new song by Blackface titled Killa where he was believed to have taken a swipe on Wizkid for allegedly copying many of his songs especially two tracks from his Dancehall Business album released in 2010.
“Well, in Killa, I sang that “they tried to copy my melody,” and the bloggers got a hint of the gist and put their reports out. What I said is the truth and I am going to get to the root of this matter because I deserve justice.
“If you check properly, you would realise that Wizkid’s hit, Ojuelegba, sounds exactly the same as the track 13 on my dancehall album released as far back as 2010. You need to listen to that album to know what I am talking about. The song is so similar that I think it shouldn’t be that way.
“The Ojuelegba song has made so much revenue for Wizkid. I am not bothered about that but I want the industry to be in a position whereby people will understand that some of the artistes and the songs they are cheering is someone else’s efforts, especially fellow artistes that they are doing everything to bring down.
“All they are doing is to bring down Blackface and to say that he is not relevant in the industry. Some people are bent on killing my legacy. I believe there is definitely a gang-up against me in the industry and this has been going on for a long time,” Blackface noted.
When asked if he had personally confronted Wizkid on the matter, Blackface said he did his best in that regard but that the response from the Star Boy act shocked him.
“If I want to get justice on this issue, I could seek legal redress if Wizkid or others do not refrain from stealing my intellectual properties.
“There was a time Wizkid followed me on twitter and I told him that I don’t want him taking my songs and that if he wants to do any of my rhyme, he should let me know.
“I told him that because I was just being a big brother to him. I told him that our songs can’t be sounding so similar and that if he wants anything, he should let me know. But after some time, he ‘unfollowed’ me and it was shortly after then that the Ojuelegba song was released.
“I don’t have any problem with Wizkid or any other person, all I am saying is that they shouldn’t be tampering with my songs because those are my properties.
“Wizkid and I do different kinds of music and he doesn’t have my type of skill. I don’t have a problem with that. I am only bothered when somebody takes my song and tries to turn it around into theirs without giving me due credit,” the ‘Erima’

Saturday 23 January 2016

9 ways to single-tasking , helping you stay focus

Single-tabbing is perhaps one of the most fun and radical ways to get started with single-tasking. It’s not the only way, though. As long as you keep focus front-and-center and do your best to minimize distractions, you’ll be getting at the heart of single-tasking. Here are 10 more ideas on what you could try.
1. Try the Pomodoro Technique. Focus on a single task for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. The times can be adjusted based on your ideal workflows. The idea is to focus as long as your brain will allow, then to rest up with a bit of a lull before starting again.
2. Silence your phone. Or turn it off. Or forget it at home.
3. Close your email.
4. Make a to-do list.
5. Turn off notifications from phone apps and web apps.
6. Install Anti-Social.
The software blocks websites for whatever amount of time you choose. For instance, if Facebook is a constant source of temptation, block it for the next 25 minutes while you focus intently on the task at hand.
7. Write in a distraction-free editor.
I compose blogposts in WordPress’s distraction-free editor, a full-page ode to minimalism. There are no buttons while you’re typing and no sidebars or menus whatsoever.
8. Use multiple monitors/desktops.
Try placing distractions on one screen and focused work on another. Mac users can create an entirely new desktop for distractions; press F4 and then hover your mouse near the top of the screen. Click on the plus-sign that appears in the top-right corner to create your new desktop.
9. Clean off your desktop files.
Delete all the files from your desktop at the end of each day. Less clutter, more focus.
I’m still taking baby steps toward single-tasking, but the early results are encouraging. I’ve found greater productivity in keeping tabs to a minimum, doing each task fully before moving on to the next, and blocking out my day so that there are set times for different activities.
What tips have you found to stay focused on a single task? Do you think single-tasking might work for you?
I’d love to hear from you in the comments. (Feel free to share how many tabs you’ve got open, too