Saturday 9 January 2016

How To Become Successful

Though my life started from a point where I was frustrated, but with time I have moved over to the point where I know that if I succeed, I obviously succeeded by choice and if I fail it is also absolutely a matter of choice. It takes as much work to succeed as it takes to fail. I will have to work hard today to fail, because I have gone so far out on the success dimension.
It is one thing to succeed but another thing to be privileged by God to be able to communicate both the wisdom and the power that produced the success. When you ask some people the secrets of their success, they say it’s the grace of God but won’t give you a step-by-step description of what they did.
The quality of your life can’t appreciate beyond the quality of your heart. You are literally what happens in your heart. I have gotten to a point in my life that, if everything I have was taken away from me, I can never be a failure for the rest of my life. This is because I have shifted the definition of my success from the outside to the inside.  Your outside can’t outgrow your inside. Success grows from the inside out. Be conscious of your ‘I am’ statements and your ‘you are’ statements. The words that hurt you  most from people is when they say ‘you are a…’  Those words don’t just affect what you have done they affect who you are. And that’s why they hurt real deep.
If your sense of success can’t stand alone without your car, house, bank account etc. then you have not started. In this part of the world, people are crazy about titles. If your name can’t stand alone without a title to support it then your name can’t stand. There are some people whose titles are stronger than their names.
How do you change your status from inside out? ‘Either make the tree good, and its fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and its fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by its fruit. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.’ Since the fruit is a product of the tree, you have to change the tree to get a better fruit. What describes your nature is your character. The state of your tree is your character. Your character determines your future. Of all the success secrets you will hear in this world, if you don’t hear the one that addresses your character, then you have not started. You are only trying to build the house from the roof.  The foundation for your success is your character. Your character is who you are, this determines what you do and this equally determines your outcome.
There is a difference between success as a person and success as an event. When you write an examination and you pass or fail – it’s an event. But outside the event, who you are can only be found in your heart. Let me use an illustration: it’s not everyone that tells lies that is a liar. But all liars will always tell lies. It’s the person that determines the event.   If you already have some of the qualities that make for success but lack character, your success can’t last. Character is very important.
There are two gates to ones heart, – the eye gate and the ear gate.  Whatever you see or hear consistently enters your heart. Whatever has entered your heart has entered your life. Whatever becomes real in your heart becomes real in your life. Seeing is on two levels because you have your inner eyes and physical eyes. You were designed with the capacity to relate with the material and supernatural world at the same time. The two affect your life. The basic mediums of communication are words and pictures.  That is the same way God communicates to us. He sends us pictures and throws words into our minds. When you become conscious of those pictures, you will be able to identify which is from God and which is not. When God talks, you see things.
When you wake up every morning, what is the first thing you see? You must find a way of introducing better things into your heart. If you are looking through a magazine and you see something you will like in your life, cut it out and paste it in your room where you will see it everyday. What you see is what you become

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