Thursday 21 January 2016

How to make your profile POWERFUL

Is it complete?
Ask yourself this question. Are there any gaps in your profile? Is it misleading? Have you recorded all of your work experience? Have you written a short personal profile?
Letting these things slip is a huge mistake! You’ll lose a potential employers interest, it's unprofessional, unengaging and looks like you can’t really be bothered and you’re not dedicated enough to your profession.
Are you being a
Become a thought leader in your industry and you will directly improve your personal brand.  
What does your picture say about you?
I’m sure we’ve all come across a few dodgy profile pictures. The trick is to keep it professional. Although LinkedIn has great community and social aspects, it is a professional site – it’s not a place for posting party pictures and silly status updates.
This all goes back to branding. What do you want your potential employer to remember you by? If it isn’t for being the person in a group photo at a festival, I’d avoid making that persona visible.
Are you personalising your requests?
I look at all my connection requests but the ones accompanied with the generic ‘I’d like to add you to my professional network’ message are the least likely to get my attention.
I think it’s really important to personalise your requests if you want to make a good first impression. So when you want to connect with somebody, take the time to write a short, personalised message – it will make you seem more personable and the recipient will be more inclined to accept. Everybody likes reading a personalised message, nobody likes to read something which is noticeably generic.
Adopting these four habits will mean you’re one step closer to becoming a power profile. Use it to your advantage, make it stand out and be proud of your profile. Who knows, your perfect employer could be lurking at just the right time…

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